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Pravada Predicts Russia will Restore Soviet Union by 2025

Russian Pravda is reporting that the Soviet Union will be resurrected by 2025. The truth about this, unfortunately, Europe is collapsing because of the socialism and the destruction of any future for the youth. Pravda this time is actually not spitting out wild propaganda. Russia will rise and become a very formidable power even on […]

What Kind of Trader is Trading

COMMENT: Trading: I cannot do stock trading on the exchange as I will always loose.Trading is a zero sum business if you include seller, buyer and bank/broker fees.I believe that the winner on trading are the banks and the brokers. I believe that “Naked” trading and speculation by the big banks has ruined the free market and […]

New World Order

Some people seem to think there is a serious plan to create a New World Order with a single government. You cannot even get Congress to agree no less the European Union. Yes, the theory was to unite Europe and that would eliminate future war. In reality, it shows a single entity is impossible and […]

Depression Never Ends At the Same Time For Everyone

QUESTION: Hello Martin. A few months ago you wrote: Greek Depression Will Not End until 2020 I have explained the Golden Rule of Corrections. Once you extend in anything beyond a time unit of 3, you are then in a change in trend. The Greek recession, and most of the Western World, began in 2007. […]

Taxes Alter Behavior

There were two taxes that altered how people lived. There was the Window Tax that inspired row homes in Colonial America. That simply became the standard and long after the tax was gone, row homes became the norm. Row Homes eliminated the need for windows on two sides of the house. You will also see […]

Barrick Gold Getting Ready to H E D G E !!

John Thornton, ex- Goldman Sachs banker who next year takes over the helm at Barrick Gold, the world’s top gold miner, has suggested that hedging may once again be appropriate. We use to assist mines in hedging. Outsourcing hedging is not really done other than to hand the reins of power to a bank who […]

Paper v Physical

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Almost daily one reads from the gold media about the discrepancy between paper and physical gold. The gold bugs make their case by saying, that despite the weak price of paper gold, the demand for physical gold has never been better. To me it is just a bunch of hooey. If […]

Manipulating Markets

I get a lot of questions regarding to what extent can the Club manipulate markets? Ironically, the more open a market including futures, the less ability their ability to manipulate even for brief periods. Preventing or limiting markets from trading devolves a market into a corner where it can be controlled. There will always be […]

Practical Economics is Coming

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong,   I’m a 30yr old treasury trader. I trade billions a week/month with the biggest of the big from hedge funds to mostly primary dealers, I do technical analysis for them and I trade for myself but Im writing you because you have inspired me and influenced me throughout my career. […]

Obamacare – Intentional Screwup or Incompetence?

QUESTION: Is it possible for them to mess-up the Affordable Care Act on purpose to blame private healthcare providers in order to bring about the single payee system? Thanks, T ANSWER: In all honesty, this is just sheer incompetence. I was just asked if I would ever consider a job as chief economic adviser. The […]