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Hillary Wages Gender War in Addition to Class and Race Wars

Many readers keep writing in to ask what is my personal opinion with all the latest row centering on Trump and women. The Washington Post in digging up old tapes of Trump and destroying the entire election process. Who has not said something stupid 20 years before? Nobody will run for office if this is what […]

Obama Officially Accuses Russia of Hacking the Election

Everything I have been getting from BEHIND THE CURTAIN seems to be spot on. The overall plan is to deny Trump a victory if there is a record surge of voters and Wikileaks promises new releases every week until the election. Plan B is to call the election a FRAUD and deny Trump to take […]

Pound Sterling Collapses

COMMENT: Marty; Your forecast at the last WEC that the pound would break the 1985 low seemed extreme. I have to say as I watch it this morning, your computer picks every trend around the world with remarkable precision. You are providing a unbelievable learning lesson teaching us how the world really works. I understand why […]

Russia Warns Obama – Smell of War is in the Wind

Russia WARNS Obama not to attack Syrian forces. It is clear that the Obama Administration is desperate to continue its nation building policy and is determined to overthrow the Syrian government with absolutely no alternative as they did in Iraq and screwed up the entire region. It appears the US military is on a fast […]

Norway’s Link to Clinton Foundation & Obama — Corruption to Create World War III

QUESTION:  I read your blog daily, first thing in the morning. What surprise me is your ability to see through the dust. Socrates has been of real help and thanks a lot. I have a concern within Nato governance that I like your view on. Trump has not touched it however how can there be […]

Obama & Martial Law

For years there have been rather stupid rumors that Obama would call martial law to stay in the White House. This is not a power-hungry guy. He plays golf more than anyone and misses more than 60% of his national briefings. The ONLY rumor that comes from behind the curtain, and not the internet, is what I […]

More Hoax Stories Claiming Bill is not Father of Chelsea

The latest HOAX running around is that Bill is not the father of Chelsea Clinton. It really is amazing how people are making up stuff at this point right down to Hillary toilet paper (sent in as a gift). I have never seen such an election that is so out of wack in all the years […]

Why Won’t Hillary Release Her Medical Records? What is She Hiding?

The talk behind the curtain is that Hillary has a brain implant to calm her Parkinson’s disease. This way to deal with the disease is becoming more common as the FDA has approved such implants. This video shows the dramatic results of how this technology works. The rumor is that this is why Hillary was not publicly around for […]

Why Are the Markets Coiling?

  The markets have been coiling, and quite frankly, this reminds me of when Pope John Paul II was shot, which was the first attempted assassination of a pope, on Wednesday, May 13, 1981, in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City. Mehmet Ali Ağca, a Muslim, shot and wounded the Pope while he was entering the square. It did […]

Market Talk – September 27, 2016

In general, the conclusion for trading in Asia was positive with core indices closing up around 1%. However, it did not open that way where we saw the Nikkei off 0.75% as concerns continue around the BOJ’s uncertainty. Both Shanghai and Hang Seng opened with little change but gathered momentum as the day wore-on eventually closing around 1% […]