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Newsom faces Recall in California

While the California governor faces a major effort to end his political career for being a lockdown Nazi, Florida’s governor DeSantis confirms making it clear that lockdowns were a mistake. Never in 6,000 years has a government locked down its economy and people for a virus. Yes, Hitler locked down societies for military reasons, but […]

Great Reset & Fake Pandemic

COMMENT: Marty, It’s one thing to steal an election, create a border crisis(when there was none) and then orchestrate an alleged attack on the Capitol, thus creating the perfect recipe for another attempt at impeachment. But with complications now surfacing with these vaccines(and follow on boosters, which by design are to ensure a continuous feed of […]

Market Talk – April 28, 2021

  ASIA: Japanese retail sales rose at the fastest pace in five months in March as consumer demand recovered from the huge hit it took from the coronavirus pandemic last year. The world’s third-largest economy has emerged from last year’s slump on an export recovery, though a glacial vaccine rollout and a resurgence in infections […]

Population Crisis

QUESTION: Marty, do you think this Deagel forecast for a drop in population that is not explained is just taking your forecast for the conclusion of the Sixth Wave? GB ANSWER: I am not sure what they are referring to or how they arrived at that conclusion. Yes, I have said there remains the risk of […]

The Real Danger of BigTech Censorship

  When the oligarchs assassinated Caesar and Cicero put out a never-ending onslaught against Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC), Brutus (85-32 BC) issued a coin promoting that he killed Caesar on the Ides of March for the people. This was an early propaganda coin. However, in fact, the people supported Caesar against the oligarchy. The […]

Why Does the Left Trust Gates but not Billionaires & Corporations?

  To me, it is astonishing that the left, who hates the rich and big corporations, will run around with masks and TRUST everything the vaccine companies and Gates say. I really cannot comprehend the sheer stupidity of these people. If I see someone wearing a mask simply walking down the street, I have no […]

Generals Calling for Overthrow of Macron

Macron has been following Gates and Schwab taking France into a very dangerous future where the racial tensions are rising because of the lockdowns and loss of jobs. These elitists have never had to live in the real world. They look down upon the rest of us as mere toys to play with our lives […]

Market Talk – April 27, 2021

ASIA: China is set to report its first population decline since records began in 1949 despite the relaxation of the government’s strict family planning policies, which was meant to reverse the falling birth rate of the world’s most populous country. The latest Chinese census, which was completed in December but has yet to be made […]

New York & California losing Seats as the Mass Exodus continues

  The two states that are dictating what goes down in Washington are California with Pelosi in the House and New York with Schumer. Now they will reap what they have sown. The 2020 Census report is out and despite the Democrat’s desperate attempt to count illegal aliens, both New York and California are losing […]

Market Talk – April 26, 2021

ASIA: China will launch a series of promotional activities, including a new consumer goods expo in southern Hainan province, in May to boost spending as the Chinese retail sector recovers from COVID-19-induced consumer caution. Expanding domestic consumption is a priority in China’s “dual circulation” economic strategy, first highlighted by President Xi Jinping last year in […]