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The British Election – Socialists Lose Big Time

Conservatives are now in full control of Parliament, and Britain took one major step closer to leaving the European Union. The socialist Jeremy Corbyn said he would not lead the Labour Party in another election. All the hype about socialism and how they have been so vocal has resulted in what our computer has been […]

Market Talk – December 12, 2019

ASIA: According to reports from Reuters, China is trying to propose a plan to promote Macau to be its next “Hong Kong” by building it into a world-leading financial center. China unveiled plans of creating a yuan-denominated stock exchange, as well as allocating extra land to Macau for it to grow. The region was a […]

Market Talk – December 9, 2019

ASIA: Export figures were released from China this weekend and show that the situation between the two largest economies is getting worse. The exports to the US showed a twelfth consecutive decline. A further round of Chinese tariffs set by the US is also expected to be set by the 15th of December, further adding […]

FREXIT – Is France Hurling toward Exiting the EU?

France is by no means calming down. There is a major underlying problem in France which is rising to the surface in direct confrontation with the government and Macron’s ambition to lead Europe. Macron’s confrontation with Trump over NATO is a reflection of a historical posture of the French government that has resented both Germany […]

Market Talk – December 6, 2019

ASIA: More ups and downs regarding the US-China trade deal, with China suggesting they will remove tariffs on soybeans and pork as a gesture of goodwill. Meanwhile, US advisor to the White House Kudlow stated that the trade deal is in a better place than where they were mid-November, but also hinted that US President […]

Market Talk – December 5, 2019

ASIA: China warned the US that a “price must be paid” for the latest sanctions imposed due to the China’s oppression of the people of Uighur decent. It seems this is a step back in the long discussions over the trade war. Japan, under Prime Minister Abe, has approved a stimulus package worth in excess […]

Market Talk – December 4, 2019

  ASIA: US President Donald Trump sounded a little more optimistic over the trade deal with China today, having stated that current talks are going very well. Yesterday, President Trump sent the market into a slight frenzy suggesting that perhaps it would be better to wait until after the elections in November next year to […]

Socrates Project – Best Kept Secret

QUESTION: Marty; A friend of mine is an analyst at one of the major banks in New York. He said they are not allowed to forecast some things as you said. He used to work for a European bank and did say it was much worse.  He said everyone who is anyone reads you. He […]

Market Talk – December 2, 2019

ASIA: China has suspended a visit from the US Navy in Hong Kong after last week’s passing of the bill which requires the US to annually monitor Chinas compliance with human rights issues. China did manage to retaliate by placing sanctions on a few US human rights groups. “We urge the US to correct the […]

Market Talk – November 29, 2019

ASIA: The US signed the Human Rights and Democracy Act into law, which requires the US to continue to monitor Chinese actions regarding Hong Kong citizen’s rights and freedoms. China issued the US a stern warning that if it continues to support a pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, they will take “firm counter-measures.” The Chinese […]