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Brazil to Force COVID Vaccinations on Children

I have said to look to Brazil in 2024 for a variety of reasons. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, is a puppet of the World Economic Forum. Similar to what happened in the US, Brazil went from a “radical right-wing president” to an installed globalist puppet. Lula supports every WEF cause from […]

Zelensky is the War Criminal

  I do not care about those claiming Ukraine is fighting for freedom. They had their freedom; they are denying that to the Donbas, where the Mink Agreement was to let them vote on their independence from Ukraine. Ukrainian Nazis were never prosecuted for their involvement BECAUSE they killed not just Jews and Polish, but […]

US Treasury Secretary Unclear on the Concept of a “Deficit”

We cannot let our national security be undermined in an attempt to weaken our efforts to modernize the IRS – efforts which reduce the deficit, improve customer service for Americans, and make sure that wealthy tax cheats pay what they owe. — Secretary Janet Yellen (@SecYellen) October 31, 2023 I have both good and bad […]

The Unfolding Recession & The Coup

QUESTION: Mrt. Armstrong, Socrates has been a real lifesaver. It is refreshing not to have someone spinning their political views into everything. Socrates called for the high in GDP here in 2023 and that the high took place in May. Here, we have Biden creating money without regard for fiscal responsibility. Socrates has shown the […]

Tyson Foods to Use BUGS to Create Our Food

The climate change psy-ops has simply gone too far. Schwab’s World Economic Forum has become like a cult declaring our last days are ahead unless we abide by asinine laws. Those promoting the Great Reset have said countless times that WE will begin to eat bugs to save the planet, and meat will no longer […]

Oxford University Press: Should Animals Have the Right to Vote?

A bit of a light-hearted story amid the 24/7 news cycle of death and destruction. Extremists among the animal rights community believe that animals deserve the right to vote in elections. As asinine as this theory sounds, the community has managed to publish their proposal in the Oxford University Press, a respected source. “Should Animals […]

Greta Poses for the Cameras Amid Arrest

Greta Thunberg is willing to defy the authorities to fight climate change, or at least that is what they want you to believe. They paint this young girl as a radical activist when she is planted counter-opposition. Greta was arrested for the second time last week for refusing to leave a sit-in at a protest […]

What is Biden Doing in Alaska?

For the first time in US history, the president did not visit a 9/11 memorial on the day of the worst terrorist attack on US soil. Instead, the president traveled to Alaska to commit his own attack against the American people. Peter Doocy said that he received a response similar to “Well, presidents stopped visiting […]

Britain To Imprison People For Not Complying with Net Zero

  It is time we understand that the climate change agenda and COVID have been adopted for a single reason. The governments can no longer kick the can down the road regarding debt. The current monetary system is unsustainable. As a result, they will default on their national debts, which will wipe out pensions. These […]

African Leaders Aim to Implement Global Carbon Tax

The Africa Climate Summit hosted in Kenya focused on how the world can manipulate the weather through taxation. In no way due to geography or distance to the equator, African leaders honed in on how Africa faces numerous climate-related challenges such as desertification, drought, rising temperatures, and cyclones. “To achieve the necessary emissions reduction targets […]