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Is Trump Becoming More Popular in Europe than America?

While the leftists are out in force against Trump calling him racist and whatever else they can dream up for his travel ban from countries with Islamic terrorism, we are starting to see European protests against the anti-Trump movement. The London policy institute Chatham House calls a “reservoir of public support” on the continent for […]

Macron – False Hope for Europe

Those who think that the election of Emmanuel Macron to the Presidency of France is the savior of the Euro probably believe that politicians are really there for the people rather than themselves. Macron’s idea of federalizing Europe some call the “transfer-union” is politically never going to happen. The EU is being torn apart at […]

The Proposed Euro Bond Issue to Bailout ECB

COMMENT: Well Mr. Armstrong, perhaps you are wrong at last. It looks like your meetings in Brussels that quite a few people noted you shuffling around town did have an impact. Looks like your constant warning about the structure of the euro’s failure is being corrected. Looks like you did make a difference. So congratulations […]

Frankfurt Euro Seminar July 22nd, 2017

We will be posting the links for the ticket and the price. This is a half-day session to keep the costs down so we do not need to supply lunch. The conferences like the WEC are expensive for they are always held in 5 star places and include the cost of food and open bars […]

Gold & Euro & Dollar

QUESTION: Marty; You said gold was still vulnerable in dollars but that the low was probably in place in Euros. I have been trying to reconcile that statement in my mind. The only way that happens is a real crisis in Europe and a strong dollar. Correct? It seems really naive that people get bullish […]

Money Rushing in Emerging Markets & Europe – Really?

QUESTION: Martin; it seems the Emerging Markets are back in favor just as interest rates are on the rise and their dollar borrowings have exploded. Is this the final bubble that is unfolding? When the WSJ writes about a trend it is usually the end. They are noting that significant flows of funds are now […]

Private Blog – Euro in Aftermath of French Elections

Private Blog – Euro in Aftermath of French Elections Note: Access to the Private Blog is through Socrates Standard Level $14.99 per month

Hunting Tourists in Europe for Fines

COMMENT: Hi Marty, The hunt for taxes is really getting out of control. I enjoyed a week of vacation in Italy and on my way back home I had a few hours to kill in Milan. So i decided to spend some time in the City center of Milan before leaving from Linate airport. I […]

The Euro & French Elections

QUESTION: Martin You said the turning point will be on Monday May 8th. Could it be in connection with the result of the french election on May 7th? If it is Macron, the turning point will be up. If it is Le Pen, it will be down. Or? Thanks. Regards.   ANSWER: The French media is portraying […]

The Euro for Month-End April 2017

The Euro turning point on our Weekly Models still points to the week of May 8th. As we can see technically, the Euro is well below the Monthly Downtrend Line which stands significantly above the market at 12622. There is no real chance of a reversal in the protracted long-term decline. We really need a […]