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My Personal Opinion

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what is your personal opinion about the rise of all this confrontation over a virus that has justified reducing all freedoms and rights? Do you plan to stay in the United States? LN ANSWER: Personally, I am very depressed about the future. This is all choreographed form 2018. This is the merger […]

Nobody Will Accept the 2020 Election Result

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Socrates deserves a Nobel Prize for it is the only thing to forecast so many trends correctly. Now the news is that Trump may not accept the election results. I have followed you for years. You are certainly not one of these people who make one forecast and run ads as the […]

Market Talk – July 16, 2020

ASIA: China’s economy returned to growth in the second quarter after a deep slump at the start of the year, but unexpected weakness in domestic consumption underscored the need for more policy support to bolster the recovery after the shock of the coronavirus crisis. Gross domestic product (GDP) rose 3.2% in the second quarter from […]

Socrates & its Forecast of Shortages in Food for this 8.6-Year Wave

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am beyond impressed with the forecast your computer puts out. More than a year in advance you forecast that this wave would be inflationary but due to shortages in food. I do not know how it makes such an interesting forecast, but nobody out there can even come close which […]

Michigan’s Trojan Horse to Open the Door for Judges to Order People Be Implanted with Tracking Chips

I have a correction to make. Gretchen Esther Whitmer is a Democrat serving as the 49th governor of Michigan. When I first reported that a bill prohibiting employers from implanting chips into their employees, it did seem a bit strange that a Democrat would actually protect the people against this hidden agenda of Bill Gates […]

More COMMENTS From Texas

COMMENT: Hi Marty,’ Read the post about Texas and it’s near and dear to my heart because I live in a Dallas suburb. I have followed the Agenda for over a decade as our city has paid dues and participated in the formation of the non-profit NGO’s, one being the NTx COG (Council of governments). […]

Guaranteed Basic Income & Marxists

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you!!! for opening our eyes to the scary new world in which we live in. Are there more Socialist/Marxist to other political groups? Our neighbor is a professor at a major university in South Florida with a Doctorate in Nursing. She recently shared with us her strong ideologies and political […]

The International Energy Agency has Joined the Conspiracy Against the World

The International Energy Agency has joined the conspiracy outlining a $3 trillion plan to restart the global economy while cutting greenhouse gas emissions, saying that governments have a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to create jobs while decarbonizing infrastructure. Their highly questionable economist Fatih Birol has suddenly come out and proclaimed that the world has six months to […]

The Battle in Methodology

COMMENT: Marty; Your report on the cyclical methodology v academic is excellent. You should put that out as a book on Amazon. Your examples of this absurdity are numerous yet nobody in the media would dare publish this. Thank you for being the voice in a world that is becoming darker by the day KD […]

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Learn the methodologies behind our system's accurate forecasts. Unlike academics who rely on simple linear progressions, our system incorporates history, science, and cyclical patterns to determine when an event will occur.