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Private Blog Update on Gold

Private Blog Update on Gold

Market Update Dow – Euro – Gold

We have provided a Market update for the May closing today in the Euro, gold, and the Dow

Private Update On Gold

When Bronze is Worth More than Gold and Silver

An ancient Roman shipwreck has been discovered in the port of ancient Caesarea, located in Israel. The ship was full of bronze statues and coins that were destined to be melted down. The coins are from Constantine (309-337AD) and Licinius (308-324 AD). The typical bronze Follis of this period weighed 6.5 grams on average. By the end […]

Gold & the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty, it looks like the goldbugs will be wrong once again and you will be right after all. I can’t wait for your technical conference. My basic technical analysis looks like we are going to break $1,000. Your target for a high in May seems spot on also in the euro. I cannot see […]

Gold Perspectives

QUESTION: Did gold bottom on your first benchmark? When you say adjusted for inflation, gold should make a new high by 2023, do you mean we have to wait that long? ANSWER: We cannot ignore the fact that gold bottomed in dollars on the precise day of the target on the benchmark. However, you cannot […]

Market Update for Gold

Gold has been backing off with the prospect of rising interest rates, but a weekly closing below 1225 will signal that the high is possibly in place. However, a weekly closing below 1205 will signal that a serious decline is likely. Technically, we can see critical points at 12434.47 and 1202.13, and a closing below […]

Private Blog Update: Dow – Euro- Gold – Silver

Private blog update: Dow – Euro- Gold – Silver

Euro – Gold – Silver Update for the Close

Private Blog Update for the close today in Euro – Gold – Silver

Euro – Gold – Silver Update on Private Blog

Update for Today on Euro – Gold – Silver on Private Blog