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NATO & Article 5

  QUESTION: NATO was considering the missile attack on Poland a Russian attack on NATO, article 5, but it was a Ukraine missile. Ukraine is not a NATO member. Should this not be treated similarly? MAM ANSWER: You have a good point. The problem is, they really want war with Russia. Hillary is a Neocon […]

Russian Missile Lands in Poland

Russia fired a number of missiles at Ukraine taking down power grids and hitting Lviv which is just 50 miles from Poland.  It appears that two of those missiles fell short and landed in Poland. Latvia’s deputy prime minister, Artis Pabriks, said Moscow had fired missiles that landed in Poland and Putin sent Warsaw his […]

2022 A House Divided Eventually Falls

COMMENT: Marty, Once again your caution proved to be warranted. 2020 looks like it was a dry run for how Democrats will hold onto power….vote harvesting and the Dominion Systems. I wondered what the week of November 7 would be about. Now it seems we have the answer. MS REPLY: I do not have the […]

Fake News – Misinformation or Just Political Bias/Hate Speech

QUESTION: What Tucker said about Raskin, would you call that fake news or misinformation? Just curious. HJ ANSWER: That was Tucker’s “interpretation” of the implication of what Raskin said. It falls outside of both and would probably attribute that more to political bias. I would say “fake news” is more what we saw with COVID […]

Division of Pure Hatred

QUESTION: Dear Marty Are we indeed witnessing this divide between socialists/Marxists and conservatives/sensible people worldwide not just in the USA? Is this the last worldwide battle against marxism (anti-God)? Look at Brazil. No different. In the protests yesterday several Lula supporters actually ran over Bolsonaristas who were protesting in the street. At least 5 were […]

Twitter – The New Wild West for Free Speech

All eyes are on Twitter after Elon Musk acquired the company for $44 billion. Musk took Twitter public but plans to make it available to shareholders in another five years as he believes he can reach one billion subscribers by that time. The eccentric billionaire began his takeover by bringing an actual kitchen sink to […]

The Ukraine War is Really the Start of World War III

I have close personal friends on all sides of this Ukrainian nightmare — Kyiv, Donetsk, and Moscow. The Russian translation for the film on me, “The Forecaster,” was done by a Ukrainian Russian-Speaking person in Donetsk. I have listened to all the sides, and all I can say is that the hatred there is engrained […]

CBO: Student Loan Forgiveness will Cost $400B Over Next 30 Years

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is a nonpartisan agency that simply calculates the numbers. The Biden Administration is constantly at odds with the CBO as they repeatedly point out why handouts are never free. Biden’s pre-midterm bribe to cancel student debt will come with a huge price tag — $400 billion. Borrowers earning under $125,000 […]

Russian Anti-War Protests & the 3rd Generation

  After many discussions from both sides of the Ukrainian conflict, I believe that my observation of a generational shift is important. The cycle is always driven by a cyclical nature that, in part, is driven by changes in attitudes between generations. The anti-war protests in Russia rose from the youth over the Ukrainian war. […]

Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Bribe

While many are praising Biden for maintaining his campaign promise to cancel student debt, others are furious that the costs will be passed on to the taxpayers. Even Mitt Romney accused Biden of bribing voters before the midterms. “Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan may win Democrats some votes, but it fuels inflation, foots taxpayers with […]