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Market Talk – February 3, 2020

  ASIA: The Chinese central bank said yesterday they are looking to pump in 1.2 trillion yuan (173 bln USD) to support the economy and maintain sufficient liquidity in the market. The shares opened up around 8-9% lower due to the coronavirus. China has built a new hospital with a 1,000 bed facility in the […]

Market Talk – January 6, 2020

ASIA: China has replaced their liaison officer with Hong Kong over the manner in which the protests were handled. The new liaison officer was quick to offer a way back to China by urging Hong Kong they must return to the “right path.” Luo Huining was confident he was able to stabilize the country and […]

FREXIT – Is France Hurling toward Exiting the EU?

France is by no means calming down. There is a major underlying problem in France which is rising to the surface in direct confrontation with the government and Macron’s ambition to lead Europe. Macron’s confrontation with Trump over NATO is a reflection of a historical posture of the French government that has resented both Germany […]

Italy & the Euro

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, When will the Euro begin the final drop against the USD? My second question is property in Italy seems to be rising. Is this what you referred to a currency inflation? CDP ANSWER: The decline in the euro since 2008 has been steady, but gradual to some extent. The EU government […]

Municipalities Going Bust Everywhere

We must understand that municipalities are going broke everywhere in the West. More than 50% of the municipalities in Germany are in trouble. We see the same trend everywhere. The Swedish Kommunivest movement where municipalities banned together to sell their debt which they cannot pay off only illustrates the problem. We then have states/provinces facing […]

We Have Only 12 Years to Live – Are they using the ECM?

  QUESTION: Do you think AOC and her cohorts are using your ECM for their 12-year forecast? Add 12 years to 2020 and you come to 2032! PH ANSWER: You know, I never looked at that. Interesting perspective. We have a lot of problems, but climate change that is caused by humans is not on […]

The Bond Bubble & the WEC

QUESTION: Marty, you have said this is the historic bond bubble of all times with interest rates at a 5,000 year low. Will you elaborate on the bond bubble at the WEC? It seems like this may be the granddaddy of all shorts. RK ANSWER: We have an Institutional Report on the Bond Bubble. We […]

Economic Storm Trump Will be Blamed For Because of Bad Advisers

There is a very Dark Cloud hovering over the world economy and at the center of this cloud lies not just Europe, but Germany – the strongest economy holding up all of Europe. The German manufacturing sector is in freefall. Trump will be blamed calling this the result of his Trade War. It is probably […]

Epstein His Connection to “The Club” of Manipulators

Ghislaine Maxwell was more than the alleged protector and procurer of young girls for Jeffrey Epstein as well as his girlfriend based upon allegations. However, she is also the daughter of Robert Maxwell who I believe was a member of “The Club.” Interestingly, Maxwell’s protege was also William Browder who loves to run around claiming […]

Are Some Property Funds Being Suspended in London?

The collapse in property values in London has created a crisis in property funds. M&G Investments blocked withdrawals from its UK property fund as it seeks to distance itself from the troubled manager. Back on June 3, 2019, the asset manager wrote to clients of the M&G UK Property fund to inform them it had […]