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The Great Economic Destruction & COMPLEXITY

COMMENT #1: OK Marty, it is now becoming obvious that not only Trump reads your stuff but so does Obama. Trump bought a $19 million remote island and Obama bought one for $15 million. This is not a coincidence. Your war cycle goes nuts next year and we have the worst crop of world leaders […]

Comment from Inside Ukraine & Lack of Peacemakers

COMMENT: Dear Martin, In addition to the 4 demands listed in your blog “Putin offers peace…” there is a fifth; Ukraine must repeal its “Ukrainian only” law and accept Russian as an equal official language. About 50% of all of Ukraine’s population has Russian as their mother tongue. Most of them are ethnic Russians or […]

The Russian Mindset – Failing to Understand

QUESTION: Thanks Marty – would you agree that the west does not understand the Russian mind? For them it’s not all about economic considerations, therefore “sanctions” take a back seat to security and strategy which we can’t comprehend. Americans playing checkers, Russians playing chess. CR REPLY: Our greatest problem is that people have characterized Putin […]

Did Incompetence Set in Motion The Ukrainian Crisis?

There is something very serious taking place here. Ironically, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz seems to be the ONLY world leader to speak the truth that Ukraine’s President Zelensky will NOT engulf the world into a world war by dragging in NATO. The Epoch Times reported: “I also made it clear in Moscow and in my […]

Is War the Ploy for the Great Reset?

There is something very wrong going on here. In diplomacy, you NEVER begin by demonizing your opponent. It is like an argument between two people. You may try to discuss your issues, and at some point, it becomes impossible for either party to agree. That brings the name-calling and anger where you either leave or […]

Ukraine & Reality

QUESTION: Why do you think that Putin should win? The world seems to be on the side of the Ukrainian people. DU ANSWER: I see the problem as Zelensky is really fighting for money but the press will not report the truth. There are vast gas fields under Crimea and he deliberately cemented off the […]

Has Biden Unknowingly Begun World War III in Financial Markets?

We have a very serious problem. I know where the advice to Biden and other world leaders is coming from, as they are telling them to seize all the assets of Putin’s “friends” to put pressure on him — their yachts, bank accounts, houses… everything. It is Bill Browder who was Safra’s partner in Hermitage […]

Who is the Adviser? Death?

QUESTION: You think Putin should win? Why do you support Putin? SB ANSWER: Do you really think that Putin should be defeated? What planet are you on? If Putin is defeated in Ukraine, then the entire fate of Russia hangs in the balance. Do you honestly think he would let the collapse of Russia take […]

The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss

  The only way to avoid World War III is to listen to both sides. The refusal to listen ensures that we will move into World War III, and this is not my opinion; unfortunately, our computer has never been wrong, for it is unbiased. It called BREXIT when nobody else did, and also forecast […]

US v Russia & Ukraine The Real Backdrop

Let’s follow the money. Ever since the United States under the Clintons sanctioned the NY bankers to try to take over Russia with their own puppet, Boris Berezovsky, there has been a direct unspoken World War III that began in the financial markets. I was personally asked to invest $10 billion into Safra & Browder’s […]