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XRP & the Rise of Barter

QUESTION: Martin, I wonder if you can comment on the potential of the swift system being replaced by Ripple lab’s XRP as a bridging currency between currency pairs making use of their patented “On-Demand Liquidity” system. If this is the case then it would appear the USD is set to be replaced as the world reserve currency […]

Amsterdam Has Retaken Financial Capital of Europe? Was this Cyclically on Time?

EURONEXT has now beaten out London retaking back the financial capital insofar as stock trading is concerned thanks to Boris Johnson and of course BREXIT. The numbers are in and Amsterdam surpassed London with an average of €9.2bn shares a day traded on Euronext in January 2021, which was been a 400% increase over December […]

Opinion v Fact

COMMENT: Marty, Each day I read reports from so called reputable people expressing what they think might happen given the backdrop today. It is laughable. Most do this based on superficial analysis or cursory comparisons with things that appear to line up, appear to rhythm, to paraphrase M Twain. What a joke. I say this here because […]

Just Say No

I have stated that my cousin was a front-line nurse. She caught COVID and got over it. The hospital made her get the vaccine. After the first dose, she had a stroke. Fortunately, she has recovered. She has now refused the second dose. Another friend whose son-in-law works in a hospital was ordered to take […]

Market Talk – February 3, 2021

ASIA: China and Russia have blocked the UN from condemning the ongoing military coup in Myanmar. The UN statement sought to “condemn the military coup” and call on the military to “immediately release those unlawfully detained,” according to a draft seen by Politico. Wider fiscal deficits and a more gradual pace of consolidation will lift […]

Market Talk – January 29, 2021

ASIA: China has warned Taiwan that any attempt to seek independence “means war.” The warning comes days after China stepped up its military activities and flew warplanes near the island. This reaction from China came after new US President Joe Biden reaffirmed his commitment to Taiwan, and set out his stance in Asia. The US […]

Market Talk – January 22, 2021

ASIA: Barring another wave of COVID-19 infections, the worst is over for India’s economy and policymakers may soon have more room to support a recovery, the central bank said in its January bulletin released on Thursday. The RBI slashed interest rates early last year to cushion the shock from the coronavirus crisis, but has left […]

Market Talk – January 20, 2021

ASIA: Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma has made his first appearance since Chinese regulators cracked down on his business empire. The billionaire met 100 rural teachers in China via a video meeting on Wednesday, according to local government media. The Chinese government slapped sanctions on former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former National Security Adviser […]

Pelosi’s Laptop & Conspiracy Theories

  Look, the siege of the Capital was clearly a staged event. They allowed people in because there were other operatives there as well. Here is a video of men in hoodies who the people thought were Antifa running out of the building. They at least responded that they were NOT Antifa. It is believed […]

The Threat of this Triumvirate to Everything that is Freedom

Make no mistake about this, we have the merger of three theories as part of this Great Reset which has merged the old ideas of a one-world government with Schwab’s idea of resurrecting Communism for only the lower classes. Gates wants to reduce CO2 and the population, Soros wants a one-world government headed by the […]