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Zelensky and Trudeau Give Nazi Standing Ovation

Is the propaganda working yet? Do you believe the West is really the good guy here? Ukraine and Russia continually point the finger and accuse the other of supporting Nazis. Well, jet-setting Zelensky recently visited Canada’s Parliament where they invited a literal former Nazi from World War II to speak. Yaroslav Hunka, former 14th Waffen […]

WEC 2023 – The Road to 2032

We are rapidly approaching 2032, where there will be the real Great Reset. We can all now “feel” 2032 coming. Our computer has made forecasts that no human being could have possibly made on such a consistent basis. Sure, someone can luck out and claim to have forecast one thing, but so many consistently is […]

Ukrainian Spy Chief Asks West to Empty Warehouses of Military Supplies

The West has provided Ukraine with EVERYTHING, from weapons, training, and money to removing their opponent from the SWIFT system and irreparably harming their relationship with Russia. The blank checks to Ukraine are real, as we have come to learn as week after week, politicians travel to Kyiv to offer more and more. Major General […]

Beijing Sanctions US Arms Manufacturers

The US and China are at odds again. China is now sanctioning Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman for providing Taiwan with weapons. Last month was the first time that the US government approved direct military assistance to Taiwan. Previously, the US fulfilled its obligation under the Taiwan Relations Act without providing direct aid. This is […]

It’s All Just Propaganda

QUESTION: Do you think it is impossible for anyone to forecast a market from a personal opinion perspective? I have followed your long-term forecasts and they have been amazing. But that is Socrates not you individually. Correct? FD ANSWER: Of course! Nobody, alive or dead, can forecast the future of any market or economy from […]

Audit the Pentagon – Trillions Still MIA Since Pre-9/11

“On September 10, 2001, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said, “Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it’s stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible,” the Sanders-Grassley Audit […]

Russian Schools Preparing Children for War

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 06 September 2023. Find out more about Defence Intelligence's use of language: ?? #StandWithUkraine ?? — Ministry of Defence ?? (@DefenceHQ) September 6, 2023 Numerous schools reopened this week after the summer break. Unlike US schools that are aiming to eliminate gender in […]

Soros Sets Focus on Defeating Trump

They simply cannot bring Donald Trump down as his supporters are extremely loyal. The globalist elite are in a panic – if the inditement doesn’t work, Trump will come out swinging with a vengeance. Trump has already vowed to prosecute all responsible for this fake witch hunt. Perhaps they underestimated the overwhelming amount of support […]

Biden Spent 40% of Presidency on Vacation

Karine Jean-Pierre must take a deep breath when Peter Doocy enters the room, hence why she rarely calls on him for a question. Doocy has become emboldened with his inquiries and is one of the only journalists willing to ask the tough questions. Doocy’s latest doozy: “It seems like the hurricane response so far is […]

Another Clue Behind Prigozhin’s Death

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin released the following video in June on Telegram. I think it is worth revisiting this video. Prigozhin states that entering Ukraine was an invasion based on lies. He believes that the Defense Ministry was in on the cover up, potentially in cahoots with the West, and that they swindled Vladimir Putin […]