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Civilians Are Always At Risk in War

Patrick Lancaster has been doing a good job of reporting from Ukraine and he is not part of the BS propaganda that dominates the airwaves. There are always twice as many civilians who die in war than soldiers. There are soldiers who have come back from war and are just traumatized because they killed children […]

Europe will be Destroyed over Ukraine

While Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been pushing back against demands of Ukraine for fighter jets now after the tanks, there have been those in Germany eager to support Ukraine to destroy Russia. They have filled their heads with such propaganda that Russia will conquer all of Europe if it is not completely destroyed NOW. They […]

Military Surveillance Critics During COVID

Evidence is surfacing that the military was engaged in domestic surveillance in Britain as well as Canada of anyone who was a critic of the COVID lockdowns. It is very clear that there was no historic precedent whatsoever for locking down all of society for a virus that was not even lethal beyond the normal […]

Dolly Parton – Don’t Make Me Have To Come Down There

  There is a rising tide around the world who see what our world leaders are doing and they are doing their best to create World War III. I would like to think enough people will start screaming at our leaders, but our computer makes it clear there is no gain, without the pain.

Biblical Widow Mites

Mark 12:41-44: “And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and be beheld how the people cast money into the treasury:k and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto […]

Market Talk – January 30, 2023

ASIA:   India’s annual pre-budget economic survey is likely to peg GDP growth at 6-6.8% for 2023-24, according to a source. The government survey is likely to say that growth is seen at 6.5% for 2023-24 under the baseline scenario. This would be the slowest in three years. Nominal growth is likely to be forecast […]

Taiwan & Asia War in 2025?

We have been getting an onslaught of emails asking if the military is now using Socrates for their forecasts after the claims of a war with China are coming in 2025 since that is when Socrates has been targeting the start of a major international war. In the memo obtained by NBC News, Gen. Mike […]

Military Script – Has it Been Used for Centuries?

Limes denarius (Lim-ace) or coins of the borders, were bonze versions of silver denarii struck from official dies. They may be another example of coins of necessity issued because of a shortage of silver in the border regions. It has also been suggested that they may also be officially sanctioned issues for use in regions […]

Can Forecasting be Infallible?

  QUESTION: Do you think that Socrates will ever achieve infallibility? KJ ANSWER:  I have only shown our Global Market Watch model at conferences. It is a pattern recognition model that is learning every day. I have pointed out that nothing is infallible but if anything can achieve that, it will be this model. Right […]

Israel Attacks Iran

  We are getting reports that Israel has launched drone attacks on Iran in an attempt to prevent it from achieving nuclear weapons. We are also getting disturbing reports from Asia. This General has come out and said there will be war with China by 2025 which has sparked an avalanche of emails asking if […]