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Debate a Non-Event Press Declares Hillary Won

Well of course the press has made it known that their verdict on the first U.S. presidential debate is that Hillary Clinton “won”, yet Donald Trump didn’t lose badly enough to really change anything. Hillary avoided offering to produce her emails and Trump was playing Mr. Nice Guy while Hillary was negative and nasty. The roles […]

Market Talk – September 26th, 2016

A weaker opening for Asia with the Nikkei 0.7% lower mid-morning and just kept drifting having heard Mr Kuroda inflation expectations and his possible “lower interest rates” comments. The Hang Seng and Shanghai indices traded heavy also as confidence was lost once the Shanghai broke the psychological 3k level. All core Asian indices closed between 1.25 and 1.75% on the day and that certainly […]

New York Times Proves it is the Establishment – End of Independence

The lack of integrity among the press is becoming just in your face. The New York Times published an amazing endorsement of Hillary Clinton on Saturday in hopes that they can persuade their readers to overlook all the scandals of Hillary and make her President. I would understand not endorsing either, but to ignore the law, […]

Monday Night Presidential Debate – The Defining Moment? Will Democrats Choose between being American or a Democrat?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Does you computer still project a Trump victory? It is beginning to look like it might be right. ANSWER: Yes. It does not change. It projected that many years ago and it projected a rise in this anti-establishment/3rd Party movement would begin in 2016 following the 2015.75 turning point. It will not […]

Mainstream Media join Conspiracy against the American People

The weekly White House Watch telephone survey by Rasmussen Reports finds Trump with 44% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 39%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson comes in at 8% of the vote, with the Green Party nominee Jill Stein registering only 2% and 3% prefer some other candidate altogether. The undecided is coming in […]

The Coming Dark Age

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the time you are spending to educate the public about what it really going on. I have followed your work for years, from before you were released from prison. Over the years you have made several comments about directional changes and have alluded to the idea that a crossroads […]

Terrorism Turning to Knives, Axes & Machete rather than Suicide Bombings

The rise of militant terrorists home-grown is much greater than people realize. No gun control will stop them because the knife, hatchet and machete have begun to replace suicide bombings. It is taking place even in Canada. A man with a machete attacked police in a shopping mall in Calgary. There was the July 18th, 2016 attack […]

Hillary’s Parkinson’s Disease is Why She Will not do Press Conferences

  More and more talk from behind the curtain is very concerned that Hillary indeed has Parkinson’s disease and this is why she is not having press conferences because she cannot handle multiple questions being hurled at her simultaneously. She needs help climbing stairs and is showing clear signs of tremors. This video is done […]

Can the Dow Crash with Little Retail Participation?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you for your great work with Socrates and especially for presenting the Indicators for us whom are still outside of the Trader Level.   I have some question about the recent sell off in the DOW. True, it was really time for a correction/drop. But the retail investors are still […]

The Questionable Candidate

This parody is of course based on the hilarious movie “Weekend at Bernies,” and how they carry a dead guy around to keep the party going. This election, despite the polls, is much tighter on a state by state battleground. States that are traditionally Democrat like New Hampshire are in play. The polls are 1% apart in […]