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Capital Flows – The 4.3 Year Directional Change & Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: I have been following your articles but I am confused by your latest few articles. Previously you were mentioning that there will be a flight to quality as US has the largest debt market in the world. You also mentioned that this flight of quality will worsen the debt crisis in US into 2015.75. However, […]

Real Estate

QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong, You mentioned before that real estate will decline from 2015.75 and will continue for over 10 years.  Do you still feel that way and why? Thanks,”   1933 Virginia Land Foreclosure Auction ANSWER: Real Estate is a strikingly different animal. The 30-year mortgage was created by FDR to try to restore the value […]

The Fire is Burning – We Need More Fuel

QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong,   I am curious. I take it that you feel the DOW may double into 2015. Yet the SPX looks like it may roll over and crash. Does what you say about the DJIA equate equally with the S&P 500, or are they going to diverge and one goes up, while the other crashes? […]

Gold $5,000+ – Why

QUESTION: You have been really hard on the “gold promoters”, yet you are long-term bullish on gold. Why would gold rise if not for all the reasons put forth by the gold promoters? ANSWER: I was a gold market-maker. Personally, I prefer gold. I prefer to handle it. But whatever my personal feeling about gold, that […]

Gold – The Coming Slingshot Move

QUESTION: You were correct and gold collapsed into June when the gold promoters kept saying buy. Was the low in June sufficient for the major low? Do we still need to see $950? ANSWER: Markets must move to extremes on both sides to provide the ENERGY for the move in the opposite direction. The further […]

No SIngle Investment will Ever be Perpetual – It all changes

QUESTION: You compare gold and the Dow in 1980 and today. Are you saying stocks are better or are you referring to the difference in timing? ANSWER: There are cyclical periods for each and every aspect of investment. I talk about the gold promoters because they mislead people and tell them only gold will survive. […]

Government v the People – India Reveals the Insanity

The collapse in the Indian rupee illustrates the difference in thinking between government and the people. While India’s central bank has said that it will inject 80bn rupees ($1.3bn; £806m) into the country’s banking system by buying long-term government bonds trying to stimulate and secure the economy, there is another aspect they fail to grasp […]

Emerging Markets Collapsing

India’s biggest two-day stock market slide since 2009, surging bond yields and a plunge in the rupee to a record low are pressuring officials for fresh steps to stem capital outflows and support the economy, one reason behind the 10% tax on gold. Then there is the analysis of China conducted by the Economist that […]

Money had NEVER been Tangible! Period! If you do not understand what money is you will lose your shirt & more

COMMENT: “Money will no longer be tangible?  Declaring that the tangibility of money is dead will not make it so.  Goods will always be tangible and must be traded, bought, sold in with some kind of accepted tangible commodity — be it seashells, beads, or gold and silver.  As you mentioned, paper money, when accepted, was […]

Market Recap Week of 08-12-2013

U.S. stocks had the biggest one-day percentage drop since late June yesterday in a higher-than-average trading volume after poor results and outlooks from Dow components Wal-Mart and Cisco. Wal-Mart earnings were $1.24 compared to $1.25 expected. So we are not looking at a dramatic impact. Nevertheless, when the cycle points down, even good news is […]