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QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong could you expand your analysis of this statement [STAGFLATION]. You indicate  that demand will decrease and cost will increase. Does this not all lead to lower or stagnant corporate earnings? Yet you expect higher asset prices including stocks. If equity ownership is a call on future earnings which are stagnant or declining […]

How Empires, Nations & City States Die – We seem to be right on Schedule

In Britain, there has been the private ongoing scandal how insurance companies sell annuities and have been cheating their clients who have counted on these products for their pensions. The entire pension crisis is going to be earth shattering to say the least and far more devastating than the mortgage crisis. Instead of investors and […]

Why Lawyers Must be Barred from Politics!

  My father was a lawyer. I studied law. When you do, you are not taught how to OBEY the law, but really how to GET AROUND IT without violating the “letter of the law”. The reason I am being hard on lawyers here is simple. They are trained in the law and assume if […]

India – Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg

Almost two years ago Warren Buffett called India the “dream market” and now the economic growth collapsed to a snail’s pace and the nation’s debt ratings are at risk of being cut to junk. Consequently, India has been obsessed with their current account deficit failing to grasp the idea that capital investment inflows result in outflows of […]

US – Italy – China

Of course, the USA stock futures and the dollar came under some pressure as the shutdown of the government appears more likely. Everyone knows this is just drama and posturing as if the USA would actually default. But hey, it is good for moving markets as the talking head talk to themselves so much, they […]

Gold Lending Could Stop in London

Many of the Goldbugs will be happy to hear that the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) says it might start charging member banks more or even dissolving the Gold Forward Offered Rates (GOFO) – the rate at which dealers will lend gold against US dollars – due to new financial market regulations. The push for regulation stems […]

Buy the Rumor Sell the News

Merkel’s victory was really a signal that the Euro Crisis will not be over and that if anything the current direction of Europe will merely pick up speed downhill. The positive thing for the euro is that perhaps we can now go into hyper-drive to get this Sovereign Debt Crisis in the open. The likelihood of […]

Conspiracy Theories

REMARKS:  I amazed that Armstrong doesn’t believe there is a cabal of high-level globalists who sit higher on the totem pole than the dumb politicians. It causes me to question whether maybe he is complicit with the globalist bankers. It is well known that the globalist bankers have very long-term planning. Carroll Quigley documented this. […]

German Elections Today

Merkel has the fight for her legacy on the line. The German Elections are very interesting with the majority of Germans being fed up with the monetary union. The topics are endless: AFD , alternative for Germany , poverty , bank accounts , banking crisis , banking collapse ,banks-Union , Federal Bank , Federal Ministry […]

German Elections

Germany’s parliamentary elections  will be held on 22 September 2013 to determine the 598 (or more, if overhangs are produced) members of the 18th Bundestag, the main federal legislative house of Germany. The elections may by no means bring the expected calm and stability to Europe. Indeed, the elections may well usher in a period of […]