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Republican v Democrats – Is Something Really Changing?

There is another aspect to the 2016 presidential election that seems to be missing from discussions. There the very basic fundamental issue concerning Hillary Clinton’s emails, since her erasing such emails was clearly an obstruction of justice. The Justice Department gave IMMUNITY for such a crime to Paul Combetta, who erased Hillary’s emails. Bryan Pagliano, her former campaign […]

Opinion Infected by Bias

QUESTION: Marty; Why do you say your opinion is not worth much? You have been around for some time and you are the only analyst to have been behind the curtain. If anyone’s opinion carries any weight, it has to be yours. RJ ANSWER:Yes. Experience is everything. You cannot forecast something you have never seen, […]

Market Talk – September 6th, 2016

We could be about to enter some interesting times as we settle back post holiday season. We are looking at a possible return to volatility especially after a clear message from the G20 that they are frozen in the headlights. Asia started us off with the Nikkei rallying, closely followed also with positive performances for […]

Hillary Threatens War with China & Russia

What is fascinating has been the images portrayed about Clinton and Trump. Hillary is viewed as the most dishonest and Trump is looked up as the hot head. It is Hillary who has the reputation for having a violent temper and she is now posturing herself as a hawk in war. Most people did not notice, […]

The Road Ahead

I am receiving tons of emails from amazed readers who are congratulating me on our model that forecast a rise in third party activity from Europe to Asia. This rise is becoming obvious everywhere around the globe as a new era of anti-establishment. I showed this chart of the number of European separatist movements back at […]

The Rise of a Third Party – Polls Show a Historical High of 37%

This is the most interesting presidential election in American history. It obviously reflects precisely what our computer projected for 2016 back in 1985 based solely off of economic trends. However, the polls view Hillary as the most dishonest candidate in history and Trump as a hothead. What they do not understand is that Hillary is […]

Money Smuggling v Money Laundering

I have warned that when I am traveling these days, the question always posed is – “How much cash do you have?” Even traveling to Warsaw, there are big signs saying you may not have more than €10,000 in “value” on your person. In Italy, if it looks like you have a lot of jewelry, they […]

Hillary’s Corruption Knows No End

The revelations about Hillary are never ending. Even Donald Trump who admits buying politicians donated $100,000 to Hillary’s Foundation back in 2009. While others were handing her tens of millions to get deals from the State Department, with a token $100,000, Trump was obviously just putting his name on the list for influence as he […]

Hillary Avoids Testifying Again

Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan from the US District Court in Washington has ruled that Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton does not need to give a sworn testimony in a lawsuit concerning her use of an unauthorized private email system for her work as US secretary of state. Instead, Clinton must respond in writing to questions submitted […]

Do I think Hillary Will Win? Buckle Your Seats – This Will be Worse than You Thought

  When it came to BREXIT, the computer correctly forecast that the leave side would win and there would be a big turnout. I personally stated that I “believed” they would rig the election as they had done with every other European election from Austria and Scotland all the way to Italy and Spain. I […]