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New York Times Proves it is the Establishment – End of Independence

The lack of integrity among the press is becoming just in your face. The New York Times published an amazing endorsement of Hillary Clinton on Saturday in hopes that they can persuade their readers to overlook all the scandals of Hillary and make her President. I would understand not endorsing either, but to ignore the law, […]

Monday Night Presidential Debate – The Defining Moment? Will Democrats Choose between being American or a Democrat?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Does you computer still project a Trump victory? It is beginning to look like it might be right. ANSWER: Yes. It does not change. It projected that many years ago and it projected a rise in this anti-establishment/3rd Party movement would begin in 2016 following the 2015.75 turning point. It will not […]

The Pension Crisis is Global

The worldwide pension crisis is the next great notch in the belt of the collapse of socialism. If anyone in the private sector promised workers pensions and did not fund them, they would go to jail and be labelled as a fraud. Yet, this is standard operating procedure for government. Government claims to be some […]

Great Alignment

QUESTION: You said in the last gold video that ——— could be the possible big turning point in gold.  Do you also see ——— (or 1st quarter next year) as the time when we see ———  aligning to begin the transition from public to private? JT ANSWER: It may not be January precisely, but the turmoil in […]

Fed Seeks to Prohibit Companies from Merchant Banking to Promote Lending

The Federal Reserve wants to take away the ability of Goldman Sachs and other banks to invest in companies rather than acting as bankers and lending. The U.S. banking regulators are urging Congress to prohibit merchant banking where firms buy stakes in companies rather than lend them money. They are pushing for limits on Wall Street’s ownership […]

Greenspan Sees Inflation or Stagflation? There is a Difference!

QUESTION #1: Marty, Greenspan reads you without a doubt. You warned back in 2012 that we have to be concerned about the USA moving into stagflation with deflation in Europe and Japan. He said the same on Bloomberg. He also said the crisis is the aging population, lower birthrate, and that will result in higher costs […]

The Coming Dark Age

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the time you are spending to educate the public about what it really going on. I have followed your work for years, from before you were released from prison. Over the years you have made several comments about directional changes and have alluded to the idea that a crossroads […]

A$ – Wheat & Wool – the Outlook

On the yearly level in Wheat CBT Futures, the last important low was established during 2010 at 4254, which was down 2 years from the high made back during 2008 at 13494. However, the highest closing was during 2007 at 8850. Right now, the market is trading below last year’s low of 4606. Overall, the […]

Can the Dow Crash with Little Retail Participation?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you for your great work with Socrates and especially for presenting the Indicators for us whom are still outside of the Trader Level.   I have some question about the recent sell off in the DOW. True, it was really time for a correction/drop. But the retail investors are still […]

Swiss Real Estate Turning Down

It was inevitable that the Swiss market would turn down once it surrendered its banking advantage. The flight from the euro help to mask that decline and transformed it into speculation. Now in Switzerland, we have reach record highs for the past 15 years in vacant single-family houses and apartments reaching 56,518 according to the Federal […]