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Central Bank Intervention Against the Dollar

In the first six months of the year, the raw data has shown that several central banks have been selling US government bonds in an attempt to support their currencies against the dollar. This has come in part at the request of the United States, exactly as took place back in 1985 at the Plaza […]

Hillary & Death Taxes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, my family was always farmers. When the death tax was imposed by Democrats, little by little with each generation we had to sell something to pay the taxes. Hillary in Detroit said Trump should not have $4 billion and the state should have got it all. This is money already taxed numerous […]

Defense Department Missing $6.5 Trillion up from $2.3 Trillion in 2001

Once again, the office of Inspector General has come up with a huge hole in the Department of Defense with a missing $6.5 trillion. The day before 911, Rumsfeld admitted there was back then $2.3 trillion missing from the Defense Department budget. That has now grown to $6.5 trillion and counting. They have reported that […]

Why the Republican Neo-Conservatives Really Support Hillary

QUESTION: Marty; It is clear that the Republican elite support Hillary over Trump and of course the press with every story is negative. This is really strange with the GOP leaders who claim to be conservative. Obviously the press has become a propaganda machine to only destroy the country to maintain the status quo. Is […]

Hillary from a Supporter

  I landed in Tampa and called UBER. I got an older woman who was very much a Hillary supporter. I engaged in a conversation not to try to change her mind, but to listen to her reasoning. It was fascinating how she took the position Trump would start a war by insulting people and […]

The Computer Has No Human Bias or Input

QUESTION: Hi Martin: Thanks for your blog entries and daily market talk. Question: are the arrays independent of the outcomes of the USA election outcome? If they aren’t, what does Socrates forecast with each candidate winning? Thank you. DA ANSWER: There is absolutely no human input whatsoever. Everything is within the system. The arrays are not […]

The Choice of Two Evils

The elections are just insane. There is not much of a choice and nobody who really knows anything about anything is willing to stand for election. Those with experience will take a cabinet job for the sole perk of being able to sell their stock all tax-free and then resign in two years. Not bad. […]

The USA is in its Death Throes

Obama is reviewing the ban on military weapons for police forces after multiple instances of deliberate attacks on police officers. Instead of prosecuting the bad police officers, they are preparing to dig their heels in and arm the police to escalate the confrontation between the people and the police. This, unfortunately, is also how Rome ended. […]

Can Hillary Win?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you think that Hillary can win? And if so, what would happen? Thanks RP ANSWER: Our model is not unanimous for Trump. There is technically a 25% chance that Hillary could win, which one of our four models projects a Democratic victory. However, if you look at the mainstream channels from […]

The Battle Begins

HILLARY CLINTON @ real DonaldTrump thinks that democrats care about his opinion, how does it feel putting your stuff where it doesn’t belong ? DONALD J TRUMP @Hillary Clinton. Ask Bill. The battle between Hillary and Trump has taken to Twitter. Hillary is way out of her league here. The media turned on Trump for […]