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HYPERINFLATION – Chicken or the Egg

Iran, North Korea, Argentina, Venezuela, Egypt and Syria have all one thing in common – the collapse in the confidence of their currencies. This is where we will see hyperinflation and this is what it is all about. HYPERINFLATION is by no means related to the quantity of money, it is directly related to the […]

Cyprus Bail-In 47.5%

The Cyprus Bail-In seems to be coming in as 47.5%. Keep in mind that the loss is due to the banks holding debt from Greece that the EU promised would never happen. The entire European Banking System is at tremendous risk. Aside from the issue of proprietary trading that went sour as in New York, […]

The Week of 7/22

The Dow has been inching higher but has been unable to reach the major resistance area that we have outlined at the 16000 level. Many markets have reached a temporary high this week and the next two weeks will now become interesting. The fact that the Dow has backed off to some extent and has […]

India Shuts Down Gold Imports

Indian banks are now required to set aside 20% of all imported gold for export purposes. Gold is now to be held in bonded warehouses and banks may only import additional gold after they have exported at least 75% of those reserves. We reported previously that the current account deficit in India has been driven by the […]

ECB & China Accepting the Same Type of Products from Banks that Blew Up the World in 2007

The ECB and China are allowing their banks to post the very same products that Blew-Up the Financial World as collateral for loans. The banking crisis in Europe is devastating because the reserves were the various euro bonds of all member states. Cyprus went down because of their losses on Greek bonds. Banks is Europe […]

Rising Unemployment is Long-Term – The Dream of Socialism is Over

The OECD has confirmed what our computer models have been warning that we are entering into the collapsing stage of Western Civilization that is being caused by Marxist-Keynesianism. Government keeps raising taxes and hunting down the rich, which is destroying capital formation and thus the prospects for long-term economic growth. This Marxist attitude of government […]

2015 World Economic Conference

This year’s 2015 World Economic Conference may be the most important since 1987. This event will be a major educational conference which will lay out the future of what we are facing, including the major question of all – where do I put my money? We will also be looking at the Asset Allocation view […]

So Who Really Tried to Blackmail Yeltsin & Takeover Russia – NSA-CIA-or Investment Bankers?

Perhaps the number one question I always get about the ordeal I went through and the sheer chaos that surrounded everything, was just who really was behind the plot to blackmail the former head of Russia Boris Yeltsin to stop him from running for reelection in 2000 and hand-pick Boris Abramovich Berezovsky? It is true […]

US Government Paper Will Be Safe At Least until 2016

QUESTION: Are  short term US bonds (not more tan 2 years) a safe place to be? Having cash is lethal if the bank goes under. ANSWER: Yes. However, I would stay very short-term because rates will rise faster than most suspect. So try to stay in 1 year of less TBills. Keep in mind that debt is […]

Fed is Very Concerned About Rise in Rates

Interest Rates are not actually within the scope of the Fed’s power. It can create a base rate, but everything from there is indirect. That is why the Fed bought in 30 year bonds. It was hoping to create a shortage of long-term to reduce mortgage rates and encourage capital to buy mortgages. Everything they […]