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Metals Report

On Page 60 there are both the Nearest Futures and the Spot Reversals which include 146250 is the cash number to watch  

Cultural Assimilation – Europe’s Internal Crisis

The liberals of Europe do not understand that you cannot make everything “fair” in this world. I was in London and received a phone call from one of the big telecommunication clients we had in Europe. I was asked to fly over for a urgent board meeting in the morning in Germany. I had no […]

Global Recap

Three regional Federal Reserve officials have called on the central bank to stop buying mortgage-backed bonds, citing the recent improvement in the U.S. housing market. Indeed, the US economy has improved and the rise in the stock market has the talking head talking to themselves in disbelief. The 800 pound monkey remains the German elections […]

European Recession Getting Far Worse

The economic prospects for Europe are impossible to return to any real recovery. We are looking at a long-depression for Europe that will not bottom for 23-26 years from the 2007 peak making this turn only with the end of the current Private Wave in 2032.95. German politicians cannot grasp that imposing austerity that has […]

The European Shift PUBLIC to PRIVATE

Investment inside Europe has been shifting in very interesting ways. The pension funds have shifted their sovereign debt holdings to predominantly Germany, which now makes up about 71% of government debt holdings. We are also seeing a shift to private assets and as we illustrated at the Berlin conference, private assets in Greece looked like […]

Welcome to the New International Currency – the Dollar

With the dramatic increase in the money supply as illustrated here with the St. Louis Fed Chart, 99% of the people are simply baffled saying – It’s got to be inflationary! But this is like the old TV commercials when Burger King used the little old lady who would look at a competitor’s burger and […]

Spiral Panic

One of the often perplexing notions about markets is that there is some huge short-player who overpowers the market and forces it down. Every investigation since the notorious Pujo Hearings during the after math of the Panic of 1907 has begun looking for the mythical short player. Never has any investigation every found anyone. It […]

Spain EMU

Country Analysis Spain The probability of Spain joining EMU by the start date is questionable at this time. Nevertheless, Spain has made the most impressive progress over the past several months of steering its economy towards meeting EMU criteria. It is unlikely that Spain would enter EMU without Portugal. Therefore, to some extent these two […]

Why We Moved to Switzerland

We firmly believe in privacy and liberty. Ideas even like Bitcoin count on the simple fact that there is some RULE OF LAW that will be respected. There is none. As the Sovereign Debt Crisis unfolds, they are really hunting down everything they can possibly get their hands on. Canada is now taking the position […]

Its Global – Even The Brady Commission Revealed that in 1987

I have told the story how after objecting to the formation of G5 in 1985 warning that they would increase volatility, create a crash within 2 years (2.15 years), and destabilize the global economy, the White House responded that no one agreed with use about volatility would rise or this would lead to a crash. […]