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Government Preparing for Worldwide Civil Unrest – Why?

A number of emails have come in asking if we are advising the government since they are now enlisting firms to research a rise in civil unrest. The answer is no! Nevertheless, everyone knows of the accuracy of our computer systems and our cycle of war models. It was the CIA that, after all, came […]

Market Talk – August 22nd, 2016

The Nikkei (cash market) had a lot to recover having just returned but recover it did. The early bounce was pulled back then the Friday afternoon recovery took over and we closed just off the days highs (+1.2%). China’s Industrial Output was expected at 6.1% but came in a little short at 6% which did […]

Is it Time for Revolution in Greece?

The Greek government is calling for full disclosure of ALL household wealth. The Greeks are to disclose everything they own — cash worldwide, jewelry, real estate, paintings, and furniture. The Greek government is totally insane and intends to exploit its population simply to remain in the euro without the simplest shred of evidence that such […]

Global Market Watch – How Does it Do It?

QUESTION: Marty; The Global Market Watch pinpointed Thursday as a knee jerk high in gold. I now understand what the ‘knee jerk’ means. The day before was a low, this was what you call a thrust up but just one day and no follow through. How does the computer know that by the close of […]

Department of Labor Regulating Your 401K April 16th, 2017

The financial services industry is undergoing its greatest upheaval perhaps in more than 35 years because the government came up with a brilliant new idea to pretend there is a crisis that they need to step in to save you. I have warned that there has been talk about taking over 401K funds which are […]

Market Talk – August 12, 2016

The Nikkei (cash market) had a lot to recover having just returned but recover it did. The early bounce was pulled back then the Friday afternoon recovery took over and we closed just off the days highs (+1.2%). China’s Industrial Output was expected at 6.1% but came in a little short at 6% which did […]

The Computer Has No Human Bias or Input

QUESTION: Hi Martin: Thanks for your blog entries and daily market talk. Question: are the arrays independent of the outcomes of the USA election outcome? If they aren’t, what does Socrates forecast with each candidate winning? Thank you. DA ANSWER: There is absolutely no human input whatsoever. Everything is within the system. The arrays are not […]

Market Talk – August 11, 2016

Yet another rather uneventful session made even worse by the fact that Japan had a national holiday. Early trading in the Shanghai tended to follow the weak US sentiment but despite flipping in both directions, eventually closed down but above the psychological 3k level. Hang Seng performed well and it could be said took a […]

Europe Begins to Rebel Against Austerity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I attended the Berlin Conference. I have to say that you have done an excellent job of laying everything out from the rally in the euro back to 116 to the rally in gold and its failure to get past 1362 not to mention Brexit and the breakout in the Dow. You […]

Slingshot v Phase Transition

QUESTION: You’ve just mentioned there remains a chance for gold to perform a slingshot move downward and then up in January. Does it still appear the Dow will slingshot (make a new low) also even though it has recently broken to new highs? S ANSWER: We achieved the slingshot in the S&P and the NASDAQ, and I have previously […]