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Socialism is Collapsing for it Benefits only Politicians

I am not exaggerating what is going on and how uninformed the politicians are because they do not “represent” the people and are certainly not from our ranks. They are a professional class that see themselves on top of the Great Unwashed looking down upon us all. This is the very same attitudes of monarchy […]

Gold Stocks In Panic Mode?

The Gold Stocks have fallen from grace fairly hard. This is what is actually necessary for the rally to continue into the 2017 to 2020 area. Supply must be reduced. As marginal mines shut down or slow production, this helps to reduce future supply. It will take a steady rise in prices to new highs […]

Spiral Panic

QUESTION: “I would be interested in your answers to the following: 1. Why do diamonds not have a futures market? 2. What do you think would happen to the price of gold if there was no gold futures market? 3. Who do you think bought all the gold contracts that were recently sold?“ ANSWER: The […]


Stimulated/Austerity No matter what culture we talk about, it always fights the last war. Germany is scared to death about hyperinflation since that was its experience after the Communist Revolution in 1918 during the early 1920s. The United States has been scared to death about another deflation as in the Great Depression and chooses to […]

The Market & Cycles – Why We Must Crash & Burn

One Response regarding this problem that we must crash and burn states that this “is somewhat of a paradox though, see some people, not so conflicted by their personal conscience (against obedience to authority / control ), but influenced by their uncertainty and/or lack of confidence. obviously, not all people are the same. Guess for […]

Metals Data Calculation

We have been using the CSI Perpetual Contract. Friday that showed: Future #867 GC21103P: Perpetual Contract® of Gold-COMEX(Floor+Electronic Combined), Future #867 GC21103P: 20130419, 201308, 1396.1, 1425.1, 1388.4, 1397.2 Future #868 SI21103P: Perpetual Contract® of Silver-COMEX(Floor+Electronic Combined), 20130419, 201307, 2336.5, 2384.0, 2299.7, 2304.1, 2304.2 The great difference between the time used for the open outcry and […]

Europe Considering Mandatory 15% of Wages To be Taken For Pensions

There will be no HYPERINFLATION. That assumes government sits on their hands and blindly just prints to try to please everyone. They are by NO MEANS nice people. This is about them maintaining power. They put the Euro to a vote, got it, the people will NEVER be allowed to ever vote again. The European […]

Wealth tax to pay for EU bailouts?

The British Telegraph reported the comments of Professor Peter Bofinger, an adviser to Angela Merkel, that he made in Der Spiegel, demonstrating just how disconnected the academics are from the real world. They still live in the world of Marx and seem to have missed that Marx’s whole class warfare did not work.  Bofinger suggested that the “rich” […]

France is Destroying the European Economy

What part of Marxism do these politicians fail to understand? The problem seems to stem from the fact that most are lawyers. They know how to write laws and contracts, but most are totally ignorant of the real world.One of the most disrespectful lawyers ignorant of the real world was Samuel Untermyer, who was the Attorney for […]

Regulating Gold Getting Tighter

The story of ABN Amro ceasing delivery of precious metals it had previously offered to its Dutch clients regarding gold, silver, platinum and palladium, had been an agreement with Deutsche Bank Netherlands, who suspended that agreement. The change only impacts those in Holland and has nothing to do with paper contracts that exist in every futures […]