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Russia Sent its Planes near Scotland

Russia continues to test the defenses of Europe to remind then that it is still a military power they cannot contend with alone. Russian planes flew into the edge of UK air space north of Scotland and the UK had to scramble its jets. Obama has in just one term wiped out all the good […]

The Two Most Dangerous Ideas

  There are two ideas that have been responsible for killing more people than anything in history and they both came from the French elite. The first was the idea that land was wealth. This was propagated by the Physiocrats who argued agriculture was the wealth of a nation. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations was […]

Socrates Manual

  We have been getting a lot of emails asking if we will provide a manual and what exactly will be included in the various stages. We have so much work to do with front-end delivery systems besides trying to get four books out this year. So to say I have a full plate is […]

It’s Not the Rich – It’s The Total Cost of Gov’t That is Killing the Economy

QUESTION: Do you believe in a fairer system where there is a minimum income cap and a maximum asset cap? We live in an age where productivity has risen through the roof due to technological advancement. Don’t you think humanity is at the stage where it can afford to offer basic income to people so better checks and […]

Update on the Sovereign Debt Crisis

  The theme of the conference seems to be spot on. Besides both civil unrest rising, international war potential in Korea and Eastern Europe, then there is the sovereign debt crisis that is brewing. For those who though the dollar would collapse and we would all be using yuan and rubles, well the Chinese government […]

Thomas Piketty – Another Economist on the loose out to DESTROY the World as We Know it.

Just what we need – another economist with ZERO real work experience. The latest economist destined to destroy the world in the same manner as Karl Marx is Thomas Piketty and his new book Capital in the Twenty-First Century that is destined to perhaps kill more people than Marx ever did. Piketty is only focused on the […]

Wealth of a Nation

QUESTION: You recently said that the wealth of a nation is not its gold. How can you justify that? B ANSWER: Sorry. Gold was a Western thing – not East. China never issued gold coins, so does that mean they should not exist? When war takes places, Britain abandoned the gold standard as did the […]

The Coming Tetrad – the Blood Moons

QUESTION: Martin, In reading the article below, I couldn’t help but notice the fourth blood moon (September 28, 2015) will almost coincide with the projected major turning point in your economic confidence model (October 1, 2015).  Is this coincidence or does your model take into account the movement of stars, planets and moons? Thank you for […]

From South Korea

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, Thank you for your recent pieces about South Korea. I have lived in Seoul for 10 years and regularly talk with educated people about the issue. Consensus seems to be that North Korea will not start a full-blown war because they have as much to lose as we have (not in nominal terms […]

Inflation/Deflation Reality Check – Understanding the Rules of the Game

QUESTION:  I compliment you on your recent blogs about inflation/deflation. The blogs were instructive, and you had no agenda other than providing your best understanding of the topic. That cannot be said for all of the heavyweight government spokespersons that make public (mis)statements about this most basic economic process. My comprehension from reading your blog […]