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The Danger of Deplatforming Trump

  I really do not care if Karl Marx had a Twitter today and was posting all sorts of things. BigTech is censoring content that they do not like. This is destroying the internet and it always seems to come back to this idea of monopoly and control, no different than the robber barons of […]

Market Talk – March 30, 2021

ASIA: Chinese government bonds will be added to the FTSE World Government Bond Index (WGBI) over three years from the end of October, FTSE Russell said in a statement. Chinese government bonds were previously included in index suites from JPMorgan and Bloomberg Barclays, but FTSE WGBI inclusion is expected to have a larger effect due […]

Florida Rejects Biden’s Moves to Create Mandatory COVID Passports

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis said he would take executive action this week against vaccine passports. DeSantis said he will be issuing an executive order in the state forbidding vaccine passports. Local governments and businesses that would use these digital passports to allow vaccinated individuals to travel and attend events would not be allowed. He said […]

The Political Theater of Absurdity

Do we have to wonder just how long will the press allow this complete farse to continue? Journalists have no sense of honor, for what they are allowing to take is devastating their own families’ future. Truthfully, if my children were a journalist selling this BS, I would disown them. The CDC has even reduced […]

Why Biden’s First Executive Order was Illegal

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have been silent about the border crisis that Biden seems to have created while blaming Trump claiming the people were already on their way here. It seems like he shut down the funding simply because it was a Trump initiative. Would you comment, please? HS ANSWER: What Biden did was illegal. […]

Market Talk – March 29, 2021

ASIA: Chinese officials on Monday said Sweden’s H&M and other foreign brands should not make rash moves or step into politics after the companies raised concerns about forced labor in Xinjiang, sparking a furious online backlash and boycotts. H&M, Burberry, Nike, Adidas, and other Western brands have been hit by consumer boycotts in China since […]

Australia Committing Economic Suicide – Turning Hard Left

The Greens in Australia want to tax Billionaires 6% Wealth Tax annually (in addition to INCOME) as a property tax on everything this own from art right down to the watch they wear. They claim it will raise $11.2 billion over its first two years, it will cost the Australian Tax Office an extra $110 […]

Inflation Comes When People See it is Cheaper to Buy today than Tomorrow

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, I wanted to write in to affirm your observation of regular people buying now rather than waiting (The Bull v Bear in the US Markets). I had to buy a new dryer earlier in the year. It took 6 weeks to get the one I had ordered. I wanted to buy a […]

NYC Imposing COVID Passports & Biden Preparing for Same

Well you can cross the Big Apple off the Tourist list. New York City will be the first to impost Vaccine Passports to enter places. There goes Broadway. If that does not end NYC, I suppose nothing else will. You would think that if this was closer to the Spanish flu with a 3% kill […]

The Bull v Bear in the US Markets

While the general overview of this market by most technicians has been bearish simply based upon how high the market has risen, we are also in an interesting position where the fiction of vaccines is providing some underlying support. Based upon RELIABLE sources, this entire Build Back Better motto and a scheme were developed BEFORE […]