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Bernie Betrays all is Supporters

Of course Bernie Sanders appears to have sold out emerging from a White House meeting with President Barack Obama vowing to work together with Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump in November. Bernie would rather endorse a traitor who has sold her influence as Secretary of State just to save the Democratic Party. Obama assured Bernie, […]

US Elections — From Bad to Worse

We have a socialist, a criminal, and an amateur who speaks before he thinks all running for the position of leader of the “free world” which is anything but free. Then we have a press so in bed with the politicians that they often seem to be crossbreeding. CNN, ABC News, and CBS News all […]

Now Congress is at Stake

Trump keeps shooting off his mouth in the stupidest way, but he should know that they will turn whatever he says against him (FYI: Hispanic is not a race, it is an ethnicity like French or German). Hillary and her cronies announced she won before the votes were placed just in case Bernie beats her in […]

The Third-Party Solution & Coming Rise in Violence

A Gallup Poll from last September revealed that the majority of Americans, 60%, say a third major political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic parties “do such a poor job” of representing the American people. Since 2007, Gallup has shown that this is a rising trend, which explains Trump and Bernie. The majority […]

BREXIT v Yellen

  The debate shifted following the Jobs Report, and people now assume that the Fed will not raise rates. Hence, we have a bounce in gold and the euro. That makes no fundamental sense regarding gold since higher rates indicate inflation and lower rates warn of deflation. The real confusion has been that most only focus […]

Bill Kristol: Fighting for the Establishment with the New Triumvirate

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You are friends with Bill Kristol.  So what is going on. He seems to be very much against Trump and is moving for an independent candidate. You know him. Any inside scoop? ANSWER: Yes, I know Bill. However, I would not say we are friends. Yes, we have been to dinner many times and […]

Hillary’s Bad Week

Crooked Hillary, as she is starting be known as even behind the curtain, is really helping Trump because many Republicans who did not like Trump see her as just outright evil. Hillary is now falling behind Trump in national opinion polls. She is so out-of-touch that her age group may want to see a woman in the […]

Inspector General Hangs Hillary Out to Dry

There is a very curious dynamic going on here. It is well known that there is animosity between the Clintons and Obama. Obama would easily order everyone to stand down with investigations and reports with respect to Hillary, but he has not. Now the Inspector General has delivered a scathing report on Hillary (see report; oig-report). The long-awaited […]

Hillary Doesn’t Get It

  There is no question that Hillary is playing the “woman card.” Hillary Clinton will join the all-female cast of “Ghostbusters,” playing that women card to the hilt. Hollywood is the Mecca for liberal females and Democrats who worship a dogma before the big white “Hollywood” sign. They are just as terrible as the mainstream media […]

Third Parties Rising Throughout Europe

This is what happens when politicians think they are smarter than the great unwashed whom they rule over. They lack common sense on every possible level. The rise of third parties is a reality and our computer has been spot on with this forecast for 2016. It accomplished this forecast by simply doing what government […]