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Market Talk — July 22, 2016

We saw a bit of a wobble today in Asian cash markets after BOJ governor Kuroda dismissed the idea of helicopter money and following a weak US session resulting in 1% declines for the Nikkei, Shanghai, and a small loss (-0.2%) in the Hang Seng. Oil didn’t help sentiment having lost 2% yesterday and no sign of recovery today as we head […]

The Republican Convention in Review

Those in the establishment are truly beside themselves. People like Jon Stewart are bashing Trump supporters saying, “You Don’t Own America,” which means only one thing — shut up and let the rest of us control government as we always have. The Trump supporters are the main backbone of America who have been ignored, lied to, and abused in […]

Is Front Running Now a Crime?

The US Department of Justice has arrested Mark Johnson, who was the global head of foreign exchange trading at HSBC, and a former colleague, Stuart Scott. The two traders were accused by the US government of using inside information to profit from a $3.5bn currency deal. Of course, inside trading only is a crime in […]

Market Talk — July 20, 2016

Japan finally saw a down day (-0.25%) that could be allocated to the individual performance of Nintendo shares, which declined over 12% today due to the delayed launch of the “Pokemon Go” app in Japan! However, the Hang Seng did return a nearly 1% gain today with Shanghai having a small loss, which was a […]

Why Are Italian Banks Breaking Europe?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, why are Italian banks in worse shape than most other countries. What happened to the bail-in program of the ECB? Can you explain why Italy is threatening the entire banking system of Europe? ANSWER: The bail-in policy of the IMF and ECB was directed at the idea that the rich would pay, […]

Britain & the German Hyperinflation

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I was against BREXIT. I understand your view that Britain would be dragged under by the turmoil in Europe. I assume this is just your opinion on that matter. Are you contradicting yourself here? REPLY: No. It is not my “opinion” that perhaps Britain would be sent into an economic decline with Europe. Britain has […]

Silver Coins, Not Bars

  QUESTION: I have purchased over some time 500 silver coins from a coin dealer in my city of Gainesville, Florida.  I don’t know if purchasing silver/gold in this manner is the most cost effective way, being that one needs to pay extra per coin purchased. Is there a better way to purchase/sell gold/silver other […]

The Week in Review – July 11, 2016

The world economy is clearly causing the fundamentalists to flip-flop endlessly. They offer only opinions, and these are the times that will break the reasoning of men and try their very judgments. We have entered the phase where unless you comprehend capital flow analysis, you stand little chance of surviving the remaining years as we […]

Market Talk – Close of July 15, 2016

Asian markets finished small mixed but is the end of what has been an impressive week for the Nikkei. Japan closing the day +0.7% and on the week closes +9%. From China we saw a host of economic data from marginal better growth (+6.7% against an expected +6.6%) and Retail Sales (for June) up 10.6% on […]

Market Talk – July 14th, 2016

Asia resumed its charge with a strong open in the Nikkei and never really looked back from there. Throughout the day the Nikkei made steady progress finally closing +1%. Hang Seng was also strong closing over 1% higher on the day. Shanghai was the lag index for the core closing down 0.2% but was off […]