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Vladimir Putin – the Restorer or Russia

Vladimir Putin invokes extremes of opinion in the West that oscillate between a disgusted rejection of his alleged despotic arbitrariness and fear of his imagined unpredictable violence that some believe can be latent and sometimes overt, and the other extreme fascination as well as admiration of his brilliant, unerring instinct power. Some see Putin as […]

Is Obama Just Insane?

I have dealt with many governments in my life and I have come to understand you CANNOT and SHOULD NEVER put your opponent in a box publicly for his own political livelihood is then on the line and he MUST respond or be overthrown. This is simple common sense in international politics and I have […]

Ukraine – Not Over Yet

  The propaganda never stops from both sides and to get at the truth just reading the press is next to impossible. The Russians keep touting this was a US plot, and the US keeps trying to wiggle into the situation but the GRASS-ROOTS people do not leave for they are pissed-off at government in […]

Putin – Resurrecting the Soviet Union by 2020

Putin has made it clear that he regards the fall of the Soviet Union as the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century. He has stated previously it is his goal to resurrect the Soviet Union by 2020. His response to using force is clear: “If we see this lawlessness starting in eastern regions, if people […]

Israel Changes Military Service to Include Religious

For years, everyone had to go into the military at 18 male or female. However, the Orthodox Jews were exempt. Israeli is responding to what is coming as Putin tries to rebuild the Soviet Empire. He personally still see the world in empires based upon territory rather than productivity. Japan had nothing close to the […]

The Cycles of War Model – WHY

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have followed you since your 1985 conference in Princeton. It was your advertisement in the Economist that caught my eye when you bluntly stated that the deflation was over and a major change in trend was at hand. I watched you forecast the takeover boom and I was shocked by your […]

The Propaganda Begins – Both Sides are Deeply Entrenched in Manipulating What Cannot be Manipulated

It is always good to read the words of the other side of any debate. If you cannot see their point of view, you will never grasp what the future holds. Marxism has not died. The only hope for that comes at the minimum time frame for a change in long-term trends, which is 26 […]

Russian Warships head for Ukraine & 150,000 Troops sent to the Border

  Russian warships have now appeared on the coast of Ukraine and Putin has sent 150,000 troops for exercises at the border of Ukraine. The conflict between the USA and Russia is as always – one of distrust. Between the American people and the Russian people there is no real conflict. The issue is always […]

Taxing the Rich – Wait A Minute – Its You?

Taxing the rich is always a vague term because the average person always assumes it is everyone who earns more than they do. The tax rate has been played with more than anything in government since especially the dawn of Marxism at the turn of the 20th century.   Defining the “rich” has been historically […]

Resentment inside USA & Power Play Between USA & Russia

My statement that there is no deep resentment in USA was in reference to Germany and Japan. Yes there is still deep seeded resentment internally between the South and the North to this day and the Bible Belt v Democrats. That is internal issues that is quite different from hundreds of years of resentment between […]