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Fiscal Cliff – There Ought To Be A Law Against This Shit

While it is likely that the US politicians will vote now before the new Congress comes in because that was the deal (lame-duck), there is a serious consequence to this sort of crisis management that Congress has preferred waiting to the last minute for everything. When I wrote that the threshold for reporting money transfers […]

Fiscal Cliff & More Nonsense

The lawsuit by Hedge Funds against Porsche for manipulating Volkswagen shares was dismissed in NY State Court, while the Feds is still going and in Germany they charged directors of Porsche with insider trading. The charts do not support any such manipulation – just sour grapes (see PDF Volkswagen-Porsche). The real manipulations of our future continues […]

France Looks Worse than Greece

The French actor Gerard Depardieu has left France and was publicly ridiculed for not wanting to turn over 75% of his wealth. Gerard has fired back and is clearly pissed-off how he was treated in France and sent an open letter to the Prime Minister. He writes that he paid EUR 145 million taxes in 45 […]

Selling For Capital Gains B4 Yr End

Most of the big funds that had long-term gains this year have sold or are still selling to lock-in these lower tax rates before year-end. This is a phenomenon that has been caused by the Sovereign Debt Crisis and Obama being just brain dead when it comes to economics. Even stocks like Apple (AAPL) have […]


The two critical questions on this tour have been what about the Hong Kong-Dollar Peg and the Swiss-Euro Peg? The answer is simple. NEVER in history has there ever been any PEG or STANDARD that has ever survived. Why? Because “shit happens” meaning there is a business cycle that incorporates weather and climate changes as […]


The greatest problem we have is that liquidity is down by more than 50% still since 2007 on a global scale. Governments are getting so aggressive with taxation they are killing the global economy causing capital to just hoard. This nonsense of terrorism has created a global tax gathering process that is unbelievable. Hotels in […]

USA Has Peaked as did Britain in 1914 & The Sun is Setting Rapidly on the American Empire

The one thing on this global tour that is pouring out of the seams is just how much the United States is seen as a dictator & bully to the rest of the world refusing to respect territorial jurisdiction. In every country I have visited, I have been embraced as an American Political Prisoner. Everyone […]

The Euro Impacted Everything Including Gold

When I was invited by the Central Bank of China to Beijing after the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, I was told to please continue to try to explain what was taking place in the world economy because I was the only independent analyst with worldwide experience. For you see, had you been able to ask […]

Obama Wins

  Well Obama won with a popular vote of 59.6 to 56.9 million. The Electoral votes was 303 to 206 (29 not assigned). This should be no surprise. Our model has long shown the rise of the Democrats as we go into this economic turmoil as the Republicans have been captured by the Religious Right […]

Apology of Socrates by Plato

Apology By Plato Translated by Benjamin Jowett Socrates’ Defense How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was – such was the effect of them; and yet they have hardly spoken a […]