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Is Ukraine Home Free? Will Putin Let it Go?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has now been placed in a very difficult position. As the protesters in Ukraine gathered the support of the police against the mercenaries, they turned the tide of politics for the moment. Putin’s Sochi Olympic moment has been overshadowed by the bloody mess in neighboring Ukraine thanks to the insanity of […]

As Kiev Burns – Just the Beginning

Some people keep insisting that the events in Ukraine are caused by secret intervention from the West and in the process they are missing the importance of the trend. You can intervene all you want, but if the people are fat and happy – nothing but nothing will take place. Ukraine peaked really in 2000 […]

US Economy Still Rising into 2015.75

Consumer debt rose the most in 6 years during the last quarter. Everything is pointing to a continued rally in the USA contrary to Europe and China no less Japan. Retails sales were outstanding for Christmas in the USA as they were in London. Everything still appears of track.

Ukraine – From the Otherside’s View

COMMENT:  Sorry, Mr. Armstrong, what you wrote about Ukraine is not the Truth at all, it’s just YOUR truth , and/or that of your contributors. Living in Europe, we know very well EU is totally against the people : many people here think this (we are less and less influenced by the lined up media, […]

US Dollar Holdings Rose in December to $5794.9 billion

Chinese holdings of US Treasurys declined in December by a modest $48 billion. China’s holdings of dollars dropped from $1316.7 billion to $1268.9 billion. The US Treasury holdings by foreign entities increased in December, from $5716.9 billion to $5794.9 billion. This is still showing the rising trend on a global basis for the dollar. The US […]

The Debt Ceiling – Non-Issue

Behind the Curtain China and others warned the US that if it played games with the debt, it would be the last the US would be able to sell its debt to foreign lands. This is also why Obama announced tax-free long-term bonds for Americans to bring the debt home. This is why there is […]

The Flight to Quality Still = Bonds

For all the rantings about hyperinflation and the demise of the dollar as the reserve currency, the fallacy of this constant preaching is quite plain and straight forward. WHERE DOES MONEY GO IN THE ALTERNATIVE? While the gold promoters tell you it is only gold, after the German Hyperinflation the new currency was backed by […]

US Pledges to Defend Japan – Winds of War

For as much as the Japanese Press immediately printed the clarification that Abe misspoke regarding the tensions between China and Japan rising, the USA has come out stating that they would defend Japan. This subtle statement demonstrates what is really going on Behind the Curtain – yes the rising tensions are great. China remembers the […]

Tensions for War Are Rising Globally

In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe bluntly spoke the truth that the current Sino-Japanese tensions and relations are similar to those between Britain and Germany on the eve of World War I. Indeed, the Financial Times reported that Abe said on Wednesday that Japan and China are in a “similar situation” to the two European powers […]

The Government of Russia & Ukraine are not the People of Either Country

No matter what country we look at be it Russia, Cuba, China, or North Korean, there is a formidable difference between the PEOPLE and the GOVERNMENT – for there is a distinction and by no means are they one and the same. It is not the Russian people suppressing Ukraine – this is all driven […]