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Constructing a Future

Our models have been targeting 2018 for the last 30 years as the first potential year for a monetary crisis and reform. There was a shot that we could have doubled the Dow and everything would have bottomed on the first potential, such as gold in 2013 to 2014, and then turn up into that […]

Market Talk — June 21, 2016

The majority of the volatility within Asia appears to be concentrated within the Nikkei and the JPY. The Nikkei opened around 1% lower as the currency gapped to the 103 handle, but by the afternoon session it recovered as JPY retraced. Shanghai really could not provide any guidance as that market continues to drift lower. […]

Market Talk June 20th, 2016

The weekend BREXIT poll shaped markets as soon as Asia opened today. The GBP bounced 1% from the open while global equity markets followed with DAX, CAC, Nikkei, Shanghai all over 2% better than the Friday close. Treasuries and Gold saw profit-taking as we saw a 1% decline from the opening bell. Japan did release Im/Export […]

Approaching Britain’s Final Hour of Independence

The FTSE share market index for London has long reflected the problem with the EU. Despite the lies and propaganda that the EU has been some great miracle for Britain, the low in the FTSE took place in 1974. There was a fierce bear market in the FTSE that fell into a sharp low AFTER […]

Private v Public & the World Beyond

The Private Blog is for the specific Reversals. There are some things that we do not want to broadcast to the world when it comes to trading. Real professionals NEVER divulge their position unless they are trying to set others up. Each manipulation is played with one person out front. The bulk of the people […]

Market Talk June 17th, 2016

A little light relief for markets ahead of the weekend with core Asian equities clawing back some of momentum lost earlier in the week. The Nikkei did manage a 1% bounce whilst the Shanghai and HSI closed 0.5% higher. Much had been expected of this week given all the Central Bank activity but we head […]

Market Talk June 16, 2016

Many blamed the BOJ for today’s Nikkei decline, for not announcing additional stimulus measurers, but for whatever reason we found ourselves 3% lower on the day. We have recovered much of this in late US trading but admittedly – it did not look pretty for the cash market. The flight to quality led as usual […]

Dow Update June 16, 2016

The Dow was doing well with the prospect of a rate hike until the Jobs Report. While on the one hand it appears that the Dow has declined because the Fed failed to raise rates, there is something else lurking behind the curtain. The Reversals are working perfectly defining where trends breakout and where they […]

A Reader’s Comment on the Problems with Safe-Deposit Boxes

COMMENT: I am an attorney in Texas. We have been advising clients NOT to use safe deposit boxes for years. Examples are: We had a client involved in a multiparty suit. I got a court order and sent somebody over to a decedent’s safe deposit box with witnesses and a video camera. The bottom of […]

Is the Fed Losing Credibility?

The Federal Reserve pushed back plans to raise its benchmark short-term interest rate, which was widely expected following the Jobs Report. Yet, this was not a credible day for the Fed in the least as they are starting to appear confused and schizophrenic. Fed credibility is beginning to create a crisis behind the scenes that is […]