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Merkel’s Refugee Nightmare

The prospect of Merkel winning reelection dwindles with each terrorist attack. This time refugee “youths” set a homeless person on fire in the Berlin underground station. They have been identified as refugees from Syria and Libya, police confirmed. They set a homeless person on fire as he slept in the train station Christmas Eve. It […]

Can Rates Rise with Deflation?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, How does the model’s call for deflation (earlier blog posts) fit in with the likely major cycle low in interest rates (per your recent posts)? Can there be general price deflation and yet interest rates increase significantly? ANSWER: Yes. Rates can soar to outrageous levels during the collapse of a system, which reflects […]

Obama is Deliberately Trying to Upset the Election that never Ends

White House press secretary Josh Earnest has made constant repeated jabs at president-elect Trump and his team during press briefings. He even went as far to say this week that Trump knowingly benefited from Russian hacking into computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. Unbelievable! Let’s put this in perspective. If […]

US 30-Year Bonds — the Party Is Over

On July 11, 2016, the 30-year bond peaked on the nearest futures at 177110. The 30-year Treasury yield fell to 2.088%, and on that day, the Swiss government actually found some real suckers to buy 50-year bonds at negative yields out to 2076. The buyers will not be around to experience the official default, so […]

Gallup Poll: Trust Level of Mainstream Media Falls to 32%

Gallup first began asking if Americans trusted the mainstream media in 1972. America’s trust and confidence in mainstream media stood at its highest level back in 1976 at 72%. Of course, that was due to the investigative journalism regarding Vietnam, and naturally Woodward and Berstein, with the Watergate scandal. Following that period, the media began to […]

The Rising Civil Unrest in America is Highly Dangerous for the Future

  The American Revolution was inspired by one book entitled Common Sense by Thomas Paine. We even find British political tokens with the saying “END OF PAIN“, which was obviously a pun on his name. He was demonized by the British as the man who inspired the Revolution. According to this intense studies of the Continental Army […]

Did Something Happen on the ECM Turning Point?

Did something happen on the October 28th, 2016 turning point? Just maybe what clicked yesterday was the tipping point against government. The Bundys, who were the armed antigovernment protesters led by Ammon and Ryan Bundy, were acquitted precisely going into the 28th of federal conspiracy and weapons charges. Since the Federal government’s abuse of “conspiracy” where they […]

Did the ECM Pick the Date of the War in Syria?

  When Russia invaded Syria on the very day of the Economic Confidence Model, it signaled that Syria would be a focal point of this wave. Clearly, 2015.75 was the peak in government and we can see this from the rise of Trump and the anti-establishment vote that has produced perhaps the most insane political election in […]

The Last Caliihate

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I am a Muslim follower of your blog. And your blogs are great. I hope that everyone understands that you are not for this side or the other side. You are in the side of the unfolding of time (that’s how I see it – sorry if it is wrong). The problem […]

War Cycle on Target – Sad to Say

All indications are now pointing to war between the USA and Russia. It appears the powers that be in Washington fear a Trump victory and he would end nation building. The military needs to start a war now because if Trump were elected, he would not go along with this mess. Even Russian TV is […]