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West’s Russian Propaganda Changing History?

COMMENT: Thank you for your neutrality. I would point out that the West has rewritten history as if Russia had no role in defeating Hitler. Russia occupied Berlin for two months before the Americans and British arrived. They act as if Russia was never there. Thank you once again BV ANSWER: You are correct. The […]

Migration & War = Deadly Disease Cycle

The border crisis that we have in the United States is part of the cycle of disease that our model has been projecting. In late May, Sarasota County, Florida, health officials confirmed that they had identified a case of locally transmitted malaria. Then a second confirmed case appeared on June 23 rd in Texas, discovered in […]

Espionage Act & Abuse of Power

Many people have written in and asked how can Trump be charged under the Espionage Act. There is probably no other Act that has been so abused than this statute. It has been responsible for witch hunts and the deliberate execution of people the prosecutors knew were innocent. This Act has silenced people, been used […]


There is something strange in the air. Are we to believe that what is occurring is simply the result of wildfires in Canada all occurring simultaneously? Official reports claim that droughts caused the conditions for the fires. Quebec said that the fires were ignited by lightning, Alberta admitted the cause of their fires is still […]

Major Hotel Chains Shutting San Francisco Locations

San Francisco and other blue cities are overrun with crime, permitted by light-on-crime policies. I know numerous people who travel for work, and all they can discuss after visiting cities such as San Francisco and Seattle is the urban encampments and rampant crime that occurs in broad daylight. Companies no longer wish to hold conferences […]

Market Talk – June 7, 2023

ASIA: Singapore’s retail sales exceeded expectations, increasing by 3.6% year-on-year (YoY) and surpassing the projected contraction of 1.9% YoY. On a monthly basis, retail sales rose by 4.2%, with a similar increase seen when excluding motor vehicle sales. Despite elevated inflation, retail sales have remained strong, potentially due to the return of visitors to Singapore. […]

30 Tons of Ammonium Nitrate Goes Missing

(video from Dyno Nobel’s YouTube channel) A lot of expensive and lethal weapons of war have been reported missing this week. There have been numerous train derailments in America this year, and trains containing lethal materials routinely do not make it to their final destination. A railcar holding over 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate left […]

Beware of ISW

QUESTION: Marty, the Institute for the Study of War is claiming that the fighting inside Russia was not Ukrainians but Russian anti-Putin groups. This seems strange since they were attacking civilians and you would think if they were Russians they would have targeted Moscow not something just across the border. Who is this Institute? Is […]

You Voted for a Sanctuary City

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is at a breaking point over the migrant crisis. He was in favor of the open border until buses filled with migrants, mostly military-aged men, began swarming his city. Adams was a fierce proponent of “sanctuary cities” and said all were welcome. Adams is out of options, and it has only […]

Ukrainian Ancient Coin brings more than $5 million at Auction Today

The Balkck Sea Trade – Tauric Chersonesus, Panticapaeum. This is probably the finest known Gold Stater (circa 350-300AD) of Panticapaeum, which was the most powerful city in the Tauric Chersonesus with deep involvement in the lucrative Black Sea grain trade for even back then, Ukraine was a major bread-basket in the ancient world as well. […]