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Congress Criticizes Trump’s People for Meeting with Russians

  The report is out on the claimed Trump collusion with Putin to defeat Hillary. All it did was criticize some members of Trump’s team for meeting with Russians at Trump Tower who claimed to have dirt on Hillary which was a ruse just to get a meeting. What they were trying to do was explain […]

Trump v Obama Trillion Dollar Deficits

QUESTION: You ignore that Trump will create a deficit of a trillion in one year with his tax cuts for the rich. What do you have to say about that one! HT ANSWER: So what? Obviously, you probably are a CNN watcher. They never said anything about Obama who created the first trillion deficit and […]

Has Trump Poisoned the Well?

QUESTION: At first, I thought you were just pro-Trump. But I have seen you criticize him on a number of things from trade to Syria. Do you think Trump has poisoned the well with regard to politics? What comes after him? HY ANSWER: Actually, your question is constructed upon a political fallacy. You assume that […]

The Bureaucracy v Trump

There has been no president in history that the media has engaged in an all-out war to drive him from office than Trump. They have cheered every possible innuendo to undermine absolutely everything he has tried to do even things they would have supported under Obama like invading Syria. The bureaucracy is doing everything it can to […]

Trump Lays the Seeds to World War III

  Konstantin Kosachev, the head of International Affairs for Russia’s Federal Assembly, publicly stated: “There can be only one political assessment: It is a blatant violation of international law and it is an attack on a sovereign state without proper grounds.” Strangely, he is correct. International Law under agreements in the United Nations does not justify an […]

Gary Cohn Resigns from Trump Administration – Good Riddance!

The drop in the market yesterday was widely attributed to Gary Cohn resigning from the Trump Administration over his tariff policy. That must be a real shock because Gary Cohn has resigned as White House chief economic advisor. The press attributes Cohn’s planned departure comes on the heels of a decision by President Donald Trump […]

Trump to Impose Tariffs

Trump is implementing tariffs against any country that imposes a tariff of American products. This is a tit-for-tat and will be of a like amount. For years, many countries have imposed tariffs on US products when there has been no tariff on their products. The criticism against Trump at Davos was he should put the world economy first […]

Mueller Expands his Investigation Desperate to Bring Down Trump

CNN is ecstatic. Mueller cannot prove any connection between Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia, so now he is turning to investigate if he solicited China or Qatar to invest any money in his company during the campaign. This is what I mean about Mueller. He is a vile and very evil man who is […]

Mueller Trying to Take Down Trump – Will He Create Civil War?

  Prosecutors are really no longer able to prove cases without what is commonly called a “rat” who will take the stand and say whatever the prosecutor directs them to do. They always charge conspiracy because they do not have to actually prove you committed any crime. They threaten someone else to testify against you […]

Can Trump be Indicted or Impeached?

QUESTION: Can Mueller indict Trump? You seem to be astute when it comes to constitutional law. KE ANSWER: During the Clinton era, we had independent counsel Kenneth Starr. Because Starr was an independent counsel, the argument was that he could indict Bill Clinton. Because of that legal question, the statue which authorized the creation of independent counsel […]