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Decline in the Birthrate & Biden’s Agenda

Bill Gates’ dream of killing off half the population maybe coming true. The Gates Agenda began with his father and Planned Parenthood being put in minority areas to reduce the population based on race. Even Roe v Wade was cleverly used to tell women it was their BODY, THEIR RIGHT, to have an abortion. Justice […]

The Eclipse of ’24 – Good or Bad Omen?

  Since ancient times, eclipses and comets have been omens of good and bad events. The Babylonian priests saw the connection between geopolitical events on Earth and the movement of the stars in the heavens and gave birth to astrology. But they also could see the cycles in everything and were rather good at predicting […]

Trying to Save the Future – Redesigning Government

It took the Roman Empire about 314 years (Pi) to realize that it was just too big and complicated for one man to rule. The Tetrarchy was the system instituted by Roman emperor Diocletian (284-305AD) in 293 AD to govern the Empire by dividing it between two emperors, the augusti (presidents), and their junior colleagues […]

Democrats Destroying the United States – Here Comes the Recession

The stats are in, revealing that Biden has flooded the nation with over 6.4 million illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S., bringing the total to now 13.7 million that the government must support. They are bankrupting cities, raising crime like never before since countries are emptying their prisons and shipping them to Bidenville. The […]

What Climate Change Zealots Refuse to Listen To

  Milutin Milanković was a Serbian geophysicist and astronomer who, in the 1920s, calculated what has become known as the Milankovitch Cycle, describing the collective effects of changes in the Earth’s movements on its climate millions of years. He hypothesized that variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession combined, creating cyclical variations in the intra-annual […]

The Receipts Proving the CCP Bought the Bidens

?Rep. @ByronDonalds just dropped the RECEIPTS proving Joe Biden obtained money from the CEFC, which is directly linked to the CCP: "It is clear that the source of this money came from the CEFC and that CEFC is a company that is directly linked to the CCP and the chairman of… — Benny Johnson […]

Republican Zionists Collaborating to Buy TikTok

China is NOT the reason that Congress nearly unanimously agreed to ban TikTok – the final frontier of free speech. America relies on China for the majority of its pharmaceuticals. China is America’s largest trade partner, and most of the products we use daily are made in China. There have been state provisions, but not […]

Bloodbath Propaganda

A quote by former President Trump was completely taken out of context and used by the leftist media to create an ongoing propaganda campaign. I will note the full context of his speech, but in short, Trump used the phrase “there will be a bloodbath,” and EVERY media outlet is churning out articles stating that […]

Europe Illegally Confiscating Russian Assets Because they NEED Cash

As we head into a critical turning point of April 19/20, 2024 in this Proxy War the West has organized against Russia from the outset, Ukraine is on the verge of collapsing. Instead of peace, even after more than 500,000 Ukrainians are dead, the West is out for more blood. The Ukrainian people have always […]

Canada to Incorporate Social Scores in Banking

The Canadian banking system is set to be radicalized by open banking framework. Proponents are framing this as a way for banks to easily share information and access user data. The truth of the matter is that this is an opportunity to merge social standings with banking to provide government complete control over our finances. […]