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Soros Sets Focus on Defeating Trump

They simply cannot bring Donald Trump down as his supporters are extremely loyal. The globalist elite are in a panic – if the inditement doesn’t work, Trump will come out swinging with a vengeance. Trump has already vowed to prosecute all responsible for this fake witch hunt. Perhaps they underestimated the overwhelming amount of support […]

Bill Gates: You Don’t Have a Choice

“But you don’t have a choice. People act like you have a choice, you don’t have a choice,” Bill Gates proclaimed three years ago in regards to the mRNA vaccine. Gates, with no medical training, has not abandoned his lofty goal of altering the population through medical tyranny. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation websites […]

Trilateral Commission: 2023 is Year 1 of New World Order

The Trilateral Commission is a private group of elites formed in 1973 by David Rockefeller to discuss control of Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region. Membership is invitation only and their meetings are shrouded in secrecy. Takeshi Niinami, Meghan O’Sullivan, and Axel Weber are the three chairs of the organization. Although the members of […]

Govt to Spend $1 Billion on Electric School Buses

The Clean School Bus Program has been funded with a $5 billion grant from the Inflation Reduction Act that should be appropriately named the Climate Change Act. Around $1 billion of this will be spent on electric school buses. As with all spending plans, the budget quickly jumped from $500 million to $1 billion after […]

“One Water” Approach Led to Deaths on Maui

Climate change zealots are destroying our society. I mentioned how Maui suffered the repercussions of Biden’s America-Last policies after they received mere breadcrumbs compared to a much larger payment to Ukraine that same week. Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM) deputy director M. Kaleo Manuel is responsible for multiple deaths amid the Maui fires. […]

Yellen: Most Americans Feel Good About Their Own Economic Situation

How does Janet Yellen still have a job? She is completely out of touch and merely a mouthpiece for the political elite. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had the audacity to claim that most Americans are happy with their financial situation despite every bit of data indicating otherwise. “So, they seem to perceive the economy as […]

Mercedes-Benz Disconnects from Russia

As my readers know, part of the Great Reset is to eliminate private car ownership under the premise of climate change. But technology has become a new tool that manufacturers and the global elite can use to limit the freedom of movement. German automaker Mercedes-Benz recently declared that Russians will be removed from their software. […]

Interesting Times

COMMENT #1: Hello Mr. Armstrong,   I just did some homework: Between August 3rd and this morning, I received only 44% of your New Post blog e-mails. Out of the 48 posts, only 21 ended up in my inbox!   The censoring covers politics, Woke, war, corruption, tyranny, climate change, even humor (Aug 4th Trudeau’s […]

WEF Study–‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities

‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities was released in September 2022, and you were part of the test group. The WEF-funded “research” states cities account for 75% of all carbon emissions. As countless governments abandoned their morality to the Great Reset, cities are on track to reduce emissions by nearly half in […]

The Biden Administration From Hell

I have dealt with governments around the world. NEVER in my entire career have I EVER witnessed an administration so intent upon pushing a dictatorial regime that is so against the founding principles of a free society as this Biden Administration. To be VERY clear, this really is not an attack on Biden personally. He […]