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The Extinction Rebellion Propaganda Exposed

There has been a rise in Europe of what is called the Extinction Rebellion, which boasts: “We are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making.” This has been based upon a book that has put forth a theory that one of the five mass extinctions in history was caused by CO2 […]

The Ability to Filter Which Stocks to Invest In

  QUESTION: Thank you for all your work. I was fortunate to be introduced to you in 1986 by a senior broker while I was working at Drexel, Burnham . Your work saved me, my clients from the ’87 crash. My question: with Socrates forecast of a shift to China as the new financial power, […]

China Communism v Hybrid Capitalism

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Thank you for the excellent source of information. Just to let you know I am a big fan of cycles. Previously you predict China will rise and become the financial capital of the world in the 2030s. However, most communist parties do not survive in the past 75 years. Does the Chinese […]

Culture & Workforce Are Key to the Value of a Currency

QUESTION: Hi Martin – was reading your latest post where you say “All currency is backed by the total productive capacity of its people.” – if this is the case, wouldn’t the number of productive workforces indicate a stronger currency? I take the case of India with a young workforce, and compare that with the […]

We Have Only 12 Years to Live – Are they using the ECM?

  QUESTION: Do you think AOC and her cohorts are using your ECM for their 12-year forecast? Add 12 years to 2020 and you come to 2032! PH ANSWER: You know, I never looked at that. Interesting perspective. We have a lot of problems, but climate change that is caused by humans is not on […]

The First Clean Air Act was 535AD

To me, all this propaganda that humans are responsible for climate change implies that somehow the climate is static and would not be changing but for human activity. This may make great headlines and inspire youth to create strikes and march upon the institutions of capitalism demanding their closure. However, any unbiased review of history […]

The 2020 Elections – Economics v Career Politicians

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Been reading your blog for six years now and the clarity you have brought regarding cycles and predictability of human behavior is remarkable. My question is regarding the 2020 election. You have said economics drives politics and not the other way around. With the anticipated significant decline in the US economy in […]

Sunspot & Climate Change

QUESTION: If there are no sunspots, then why do we have the heatwave this summer. What were the sunspots in the heatwave of 1937? Seems like there is no correlation between sunspots and temperature? CM ANSWER: Everything is far more complex than a single relationship. The lack of sunspots relates to the historical evidence that […]

Climate Change Has been a Routine Scare Tactic Since the 1930s

QUESTION: Is there a pattern? C ANSWER: For whatever reason, these people have been promoting that the cities will all sink and we are the cause of it all. They have been touting this scenario since the 1930s when there was the Dust Bowl. It resurfaced after World War II when they were trying to […]

Dark Forces & the Dying Embers of Freedom of Speech

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I’ve been a big fan of your blogs for all these years. May I ask if you have any recommendation of books or your previous blogs that can help us re-understand better the most important topic that impacts us and that is the understanding of the Cycles in our lives? Thanks and regards, […]