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Aladdin v Socrates

QUESTION: Marty, your Socrates predated Fink’s Aladdin by a decade. Blackrock’s stock dropped about 50% from 2007 into 2010 when Socrates got the whole crash right. It picked the very day of the high in 2007 and they were calling it on the floor Armstrong’s Revenge. Socrates called for a Directional Change here in 2022 […]

How Mainstream Media is Destroying the United States

It is becoming clear day by day why the mainstream media has been so against Elon Musk buying Twitter for as they say in law enforcement, there is a “Blue Code” where cops do not rat on cops and the same is true about judges. Mainstream media is so LEFT it has forgotten how to […]

The World Economic Conference Nov 11-13, 2022 Orlando

The WEC this year may be back to normal. People are flying in from Europe and Asia and this will probably be a great reunion as many had been attending virtually. It will be good to see many old friends for there is nothing like face-to-face communication. The spirit of the old trading rooms was […]

Zelensky & World War III

Our computer warned back in 2013 that Ukraine would be the place where World War III would begin. I warned that the ONLY way to prevent that was to split Ukraine based on the language. While the propaganda is that Kyiv is fighting for freedom and democracy, they have refused to allow Donbas to vote […]

Boris Johnson’s Stupidity – Who is the Only Statesman Standing?

  Russia TV called out Borris Johnson for threatening to launch nuclear weapons against Russia. As they aptly warned that Borris has simply lost his mind that the UK is a very small island and one long-range nuclear weapon will wipe out the UK from the face of the planet. They also point out that […]

Armstrong v Schwab

While Nigel Farage spoke at our 2019 WEC in Rome, he said he came because our events were the “alternative to Davos.” For years Schwab and I have been on opposite sides of the table. The stark difference between myself and that of Klaus Schwab boils down to the divergence in economics between Adam Smith […]

Is Blackrock In Trouble?

BlackRock peaked on target in 2021 during November and has been dropping rather significantly. At this stage, a month-end closing below 810 warns of a further sharp decline. But a March closing below 815 will warn that BlackRock may fall sharply to test the 600 level going into 2023. New lows during 2022 after March, […]

Biden Withdraws Vaccine Mandate & the Collapse of the Rule of Law

This is what is WRONG with our rule of law. The Supreme Court held before that the Constitution is NEGATIVE, not positive back in 1980. But that ruling has been largely ignored. In addition, the Supreme Court has held that there is a limitation to the Judicial Power that there must be a “case or […]

Fauci Pocketed Over $1.7 Million in 2020 – The Highest Paid Government Employee

Fauci had a lucrative year in 2020. Despite forcing countless businesses to close and causing the unemployment rate to soar to a historic level, Fauci found a way to make the first year of the pandemic a profitable one. The Fauci household’s net worth now exceeds $10.4 million, likely more as that is simply how […]

Why Austrian School of Economics is Outdated

QUESTION: Marty; would you comment on David Stockman’s insistence that the fundamental consequence of 30 years of Fed-fueled financial asset inflation is that the prices of stocks and bonds have way overshot the mark. Thank you HW ANSWER: David Stockman was the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1981–1985) under President Ronald Reagan. […]