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Australia to Quarantine Even Fully Vaccinated Flying to Australia

The joke use to be “going postal” because so many postal workers were killing co-workers decades ago. Now they are calling it “going-Australian,” meaning they are leading the charge on the most anti-human rights regime in the world. They have matched the Nazis blocking travel even between states. Now they are even saying that FULLY […]

It’s Looking A Lot Like Frozen Winterland

The weather is following what our computer has been forecasting using historical data and correlating history to ascertain the cyclical nature of weather. The ice has now grown larger than the global warming crowd has ever predicted. This threatens Europe with a very cold winter that will further endanger food production. The entire problem with […]

Schumer’s Dilemma

Chuck Schumer is up for re-election in 2022. When the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court took place, New York Progressives who are out to change America into the next Marxist-Wonderland, warned Schumer to “step up to the plate” and publicly support stuffing the Supreme Court with progressives who would rule against […]

Has George Soros Lost His Mind?

I warned that 2015.75 was the peak in confidence in government. It has been declining ever since. But this also marked the political shift where Donald Trump was the first non-politician to be elected president, which was right on target with our model that was 31.4 years from the start of this major wave 1985.65, […]

Property Rights are Human Rights — 2032.95

Here is a simple explanation of property rights for those who would like to abolish capitalism. Klaus Schwab says, “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” I think it is important to understand what this entails. I have said before that socialism cannot exist outside of authoritarianism to force people to comply with […]

Documents Portal

AE Events Document Portal Welcome to the AE Events document portal. Here, you can access materials for the event. To get started, you must enter your email address into the field below. The email address entered must match the email used to purchase your event ticket. This means the email is linked to the billing […]

Norway Abandons all Restrictions & US Turns Authoritarian

QUESTION: Hi Martin, You’ve taught the current “loss of confidence in government” cycle doesn’t peak until 2032. Are you surprised how much confidence has been lost and how authoritative government has become this early in the cycle? Hell, it’s only 2021 and it’s already a shit show. Thanks, Jack T ANSWER: No. Everything is on […]


It has become obvious that Google is now interfering in what I publish. I tried publishing what I entitled     C l i m a t e    C h a n g e    &    C O V I D  = O n e    W o r l d    P […]

Riptide in the World Economy

COMMENT: Marty, I think the storms are creating dangerous rip currents that just suck swimmers out to sea here in Jersey. Never hear about that in Florida. I guess that and taxes are what made you leave. LOL DK REPLY: Actually, I was caught in one when I was a teenager. My uncle was perhaps […]

The End of Democracy?

QUESTION: Marty, I know you reported on the Canadian bill to suspend elections during a pandemic, do you think that is in the cards going ahead? HS ANSWER: I found it shocking that they would actually introduce such legislation in the first place. But what we have to understand is that this is part of […]