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Obama Takes Swipe at Hillary & Goldman Sachs

No, I did not attend this year’s correspondents dinner. I’ve been very busy programming. Nevertheless, Obama took a swipe at Trump as expected, but he also took a swipe at Hillary. “You’ve got to admit it though, Hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for Facebook. ‘Dear […]

Dow-Gold-Silver Update for Today’s Close

An important update has been provided for today’s closings on the private blog in Socrates. Some people have inquired about the Trader service. We are moving into the final stages of testing and will continue to provide updates as they become available. Nevertheless, users who sign up for the Investor level will have the ability to […]

Gold Stocks: 7-Month High?

The gold stocks are really a mixed bag. Some companies will go belly-up and others will survive. Those with big debt positions should stay far away for as interest rates rise, they will get into a lot of trouble. For now, the London Gold Mines have made a seven-month rally. We have a Monthly Bearish […]

Video Gold Update Will be Next Week

Those who purchased this year’s 2016 Gold Report will receive the second video next week. This video will include gold and silver. Those interested in purchasing the 2016 Gold Report may do so now.

China’s Coming Gold Fix April 19th, 2016

Next week, China will begin its competition with London & New York and attempt to create the equivalent of the London gold fix but in Chinese yuan on April 19th. Of course the gold bugs are misrepresenting this as some dollar killer. Top Chinese banks, alongside Standard Chartered and ANZ, will be among 18 members […]

Goldman Sachs Pleads Guilty — Shareholders Pay $5bn to Keep Bankers out of Prison

    On Monday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that Goldman Sachs has agreed to plead guilty again and will pay $5.06 billion for its role in the 2008 financial crisis. The settlement, over the sale of mortgage-backed securities from 2005 to 2007, was first announced in January. Of course, none of the bankers will […]

Socrates Blog: Gold Update has been Posted

Private Blog

Gold Update for Today’s Close — April 1, 2016

Private Blog Update

Welcome Goldman Sachs to the White House

You really have to question what Trump was thinking when he commented that he supports punishing women for having illegal abortions. Of course, he has now come out and reversed his stance after saying women who undergo the procedure should face “some form of punishment” if doctors are outlawed from performing such procedures. Legally he would be correct […]

Private Blog Post for the Opening of Gold Next Week

Private Blog Post Inside Socrates for Gold & Next Week’s Price Action