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Chinese Direct Foreign Investment Declines Sharply

Chinese investment overseas actually scored a 13-year low in 2020 thanks to COVID and the rising tensions of economic uncertainty as the West tries to pressure China to join the Great Reset. Even the pandemic-related travel restrictions curtailed put a huge barrier to foreign investment for China. Most critical has been the fact that Chinese […]

Questions: Ides of June 2021

QUESTION: Hello, re: Fauci Under Global Attack I have to disagree with your comment that China did not benefit. I think they had to have been somewhat aware of what was going on, or at least caught on early and let it happen. This was a big benefit to them, specifically with respect to Hong […]

Biden & the Corruption or Just Klaus Schwab?

  Biden overruled his staff to lift sanctions on the Nordstream 2 pipeline against all the Build Back Better agenda of Klaus Schwab. Some people are wondering if the Russians have something on Joe? They cannot imagine the guy who ran on the environment would flip and go against his own staff. The word behind […]

Real Estate – Alternative to Bonds

QUESTION #1: It has become impossible to buy houses between $300-$500,000 in the Orlando area. From a realtor, he said that Blackrock is buying everything and they rely on a famous forecaster who said real estate is the only way to earn income. He said he heard it was someone in Florida. Is that you? […]

G7 Moving to Destroy Economy & Democracy

  The G7 meeting +1 (EU) met in Cornwall in southwest England. The London Financial Times, which has openly come out and advocated the Great Reset, reported that “Joe Biden has won support at the G7 summit for a ‘carry on spending’ plan, as western leaders rejected austerity in a post-Covid world and vowed to […]

May 8th – the Turning Point & the Crack in Confidence

I have been warning that since 1999, there has been a shift in government where the UNELECTED bureaucrats seek to take over the country. I have warned that in my opinion, Trump was naive thinking that being president meant you really were in charge. For all of those who voted for Biden who did so […]

Cryptocurrency & the WEF Plot?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, I was wondering, while blockchain technology claims to limit the inflation of a cryptocurrency, what stops infinite iterations of cryptocurrencies from being created (there are several now, with more planned) and how is that different from currency inflation? Is there something I am missing? BTW, are NTFs just a different version of […]

Facui & Reality

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; How can the White House flat out say there is no circumstance where they would ever fire Fauci? You were I think the first to come out and say this was not a bioweapon and that this was orchestrated. The emails of Fauci show you were correct. Why the cover-up? Why at […]

London Thousands Marching against COVID Passports

In London, thousands are out protesting against the COVID Passports without masks. With all the revelations coming out about Fauci, it is hard to see how even the EU will be able to go through with this Great Reset imposing COVID restrictions to really reduce fossil fuels. As we head into 2022, it is starting […]

Fauci – Calls for Resignation Rising

  The calls for Fauci to resign are growing louder.  Fauci is a disgrace. He has admitted funding Wuhan with $600,000 for research into Bat Viruses which I reported over a year ago. His denials of that up to now and his constantly changing positions on COVID are an international disgrace. Babylon Bee did a […]