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Is a 3rd Party Inevitable?

  Not one major news outlet carried Trump’s address on the fraud in the election. Every outlet swears there is no evidence of fraud as if they are even believable anymore. Trump expanded the base for the Republicans which included African Americans who saw through the propaganda as did Hispanics. Trump proved that lowering taxes […]

Market Talk – December 21, 2020

ASIA: Chinese leaders who attended the Central Economic Work Conference from Dec. 16 to 18 were buoyant about China’s relative successes, while remaining cautious on major changes to stimulus policies, CNBC reported according to state media. The annual gathering sets development priorities for the upcoming year. Analysts who followed the meeting said it provided little […]

New Security Functions

  QUESTION: Is this imposed by you; Checking your browser before accessing This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly. Please allow up to 5 seconds… DDoS protection by Cloudflare Best Regards F ANSWER: Yes – this is a security layer we put on because those trying to take […]

Global Debt approaching $280 Trillion by Year-end.

Global debt is exploding thanks to the deliberate COVID-19 manufactured crisis. It is approaching $280 trillion going into year-end. We should no longer call it even debt because at this point, they are just creating the money and the central banks are buying it. Moreover, there is ABSOLUTELY no intention whatsoever to pay back anything. […]

What Can We Do?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong;  You don’t sell advertising and you do not require emails to view your site. I listened to your interview and you said you do this as a public service. I think you seem to have the only honest site that shows what is happening globally. Do you think we can beat these […]

Market Talk – November 19, 2020

ASIA: The Chinese government issued debt at a negative interest rate for the first time on Wednesday in a bond sale that attracted significant investor interest, according to Deutsche Bank (DB), one of the banks that helped arrange the transaction. Faced with ever lower interest rates at home, European investors snapped up the bulk of […]

Denmark Also Passes Emergency COVID Law Coordinated with Germany – They Are Now Moving Rapidly Globally

Denmark has taken a major step to a totalitarian state. This new law allows forcing people who test positive for ‘dangerous diseases’ to be ‘medically examined, hospitalized, treated and placed in isolation’. This further grants the Danish Health Authority the power ‘to define groups of people who must be vaccinated in order to contain and […]


  QUESTION #1:  Hello Mr Armstrong Here in Germany, many more doctors are rising up against this COVID  pandemic. They have written to Merkel, but she does not listen. I am starting to think you are right. She has been bribed. HC REPLY #1: This just makes no sense. She has put even the German […]

Cashless World Signals a Global End to Privacy

  Countries are moving to digital currencies at lightning speed. This is the future of money. Digital currencies will replace cash on an ASAP agenda. We are witnessing Europe, Canada, Asia, and even China all moving toward this new digital world for (1) total control, (2) taxes, (3) to track everyone and every transaction. We […]

Market Talk – November 10, 2020

ASIA: China’s ruling Communist Party is stepping up efforts to rein in some of China’s most powerful companies, jolting investors and dealing a blow to the country’s richest entrepreneurs. China, on Tuesday, unveiled regulations to root out monopolistic practices in the internet industry, seeking to curtail the growing influence of corporations like Alibaba Group Holding […]