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The Panama Papers

A lot of emails have been coming in with regard to the Panama Papers. Let me say this from the outset — Panama has been the key place to establish offshore accounts for decades. This was not a government hack. The German daily Suddeutsche Zeitung obtained the stash of records from an anonymous source and shared […]

Political Change in 2020 or 2016

QUESTION:  Dear Marty, We are heading straight into the hurricane, and as you correctly say, there is no way of reversing the trend. At this point, should Hillary (or Cruz for that matter) win the elections, she would have to face and preside over the coming inevitable crash and burn. This would be the only […]

Rule 40(b): Republicans Set the Stage to Select the Establishment Candidate

As expected, the Republican Party will not follow the candidate who the people select in the primaries. Rule 40(b), which requires a presidential candidate to win eight states to qualify for the nomination, has been scrapped for the upcoming convention in Cleveland. Rule 40(b) was a special rule to prevent Ron Paul’s name from being […]

Computer Models for Predictive Policing

  QUESTION: Hello Marty, What is your opinion on predictive policing? Have you been involved in this? I heard of a company selling software to police departments based on an algorithm. Would yours do better thanks to pi? Thanks for your blog SR ANSWER: Predictive policing attempts to harness the power of information, geospatial technologies, and evidence-based intervention […]

Markets in Review for the Close of Q1 2016

When you have a consistent system that is running on absolutely everything around the world, you can simply look at it dispassionately and judge everything by the same standards. In gold, euro, Canadian dollar, DAX, and many other markets, we generally moved to weekly, monthly and/or quarterly reversals and then stopped shy of electing them. This typically reflects […]

Welcome Goldman Sachs to the White House

You really have to question what Trump was thinking when he commented that he supports punishing women for having illegal abortions. Of course, he has now come out and reversed his stance after saying women who undergo the procedure should face “some form of punishment” if doctors are outlawed from performing such procedures. Legally he would be correct […]

The Other Side of 2015.75

QUESTION: Marty; I attended your WEC in Princeton. It was really amazing. The year before you had pre-conference training session. That might be a good idea to bring back for this year. On another note, Trump seems to be just self-destructing and Cruz has effectively said the Republican Party is over for he will not […]

The Battle to Keep the Establishment in Power

The last time a Republican Presidential Convention opened without a decided nominee in the primaries was 1976, during the fight between Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. There were past efforts by the establishment to stop two people they regarded as outsiders — Barry Goldwater in 1964 and Ronald Reagan in 1976. It looks as if […]

Arizona Voter Fraud

The outraged voters in Arizona are just another example of the growing feelings of anger toward government. One citizen captured it best after yelling at the corrupt politicians who rigged the election to ensure Hillary would win. “The corruption has become so prevalent that you became comfortable, and you became so comfortable that you became […]

Depression vs. “Helicopter Money”

QUESTION:  You wrote the Socrates site on 3/23/2016: “Once the “confidence” in government cracks for the BULK OF THE SILENT MAJORITY who do not listen to money supply and conspiracy theories, then we move into game over. That is when we will see assets rise as confidence shifts from a corrupt government for the majority […]