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The Real Threats of 2014

We are facing 2014 perhaps with blinders on as a society. Western investors have largely ignored the trend in Europe, Japan, and China and are more likely than not going to be dramatically surprised. In Chine, the high in the Shanghai market remains 2007 and new lows are still possible going into 2014. The cash […]

Europe’s Practice of Cancelling Currency – The Dirty Little Secret Everyone Overlooks

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, What are the risks on cash savings under the mattress and the relation from the land serial codes on Euro notes and confiscations?.. Country codes on the first series of banknotes The central bank that commissioned the printing of a banknote (but not necessarily the country of printing) is indicated by […]

The Value of an Artistic Eye – You Seen Patterns other Do Not

COMMENT: Marty; I just had to write to let you know how much you do mean to a lot of people given the stubborn goldbugs who do hate your guts it seems. I bought the stocks in 2011 with the turn in your model. I sold gold in 2011 and all my gold stocks at […]

Law of Unintended Consequences

  I have pointed out that making something criminal seems to increase the activity and it appears that one aspect behind the trend is you are exempting it from taxation. Therefore, prohibition funded the Mafia. There is another aspect to the Law of Unintended Consequences that answers the question WHY no empire has died of […]

Chinese Press Urges Retribution Against Japan

Japanese leaders visited the War Memorial and the Chinese press has urged retaliation. China is feeling its strength and many there still hate the Japanese. It is even very hard to find a Japanese restaurant in Beijing or South East Asia for that matter, The resentment against the Japanese runs very deep and ruling out […]

Doomsday Postponed? – Top 9 Theories Behind Gold Proven False

The report put out by MINING.COM on the top 9 stories that drove gold have proven to be false, is a very interesting read that people should take to heart. The real driving forces behind gold will be one of the topics at the upcoming Cycles of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis on […]

Canada Supreme Court Struck Down Anti-Prostitution Laws

Women’s rights and religious leaders are all upset because the Canadian Supreme Court struck down in the entirety the anti-prostitution laws. What they fail to comprehend is that laws will never stop human nature. You cannot legislate religion. One person’s belief is another’s persecution. The economic decline of Rome was blamed on the Christians for […]

NSA Destroying American Business?

Obama and Congressional support of the NSA is so brain-dead, you really have to wonder do any of these people understand you cannot spy on the whole world and expect them not to react. Germany has warned its citizens not to use Windows 8. NASA itself has abandoned Windows because of the security problems. Now […]

Yuan & the Death of the Dollar? Good One!

QUESTION: Is this story that the dollar is dead because products will begin trading in Chinese Yuan in Singapore and Hong Kong have any validity or is this more propaganda to covertly sell gold? Thanks RG ANSWER: It is exaggerated propaganda. We monitor capital flows and the flows through Swift transfers. I reported that the […]

Gold & Mining Stock Service To Begin January

A number of people have been requesting a service that monitors Gold & Mining Stocks. We will begin this service with a Market Watch covering over 100 stocks. The price will be $750 annually. We will not accept money until January when the service will begin. Here are the stocks to be covered. AA : […]