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Super Tuesday II – The Coming Split of the Republican Party

A Republican Party split is looking much closer after today. Trump won Florida, Rubio’s home state, and that led Rubio to drop out. However, Trump was denied a victory in Ohio, which was won by its own sitting governor, John Kasich. This will make it very difficult for Trump to win the necessary delegates for a first […]

The Great Unwashed Are Getting Angry

COMMENT:  Hi Marty, Well, if the establishment in collusion with the MSM continues to pull dirty tricks and deny Trump the nomination or ultimately the election, we are in for very serious trouble in this country. Their other weapon is assassination. The “great unwashed” is totally fed up with the corruption. It is going to […]

Are Career Politicians trying to create a Dictatorship?

We have a very serious crisis in democracy brewing. The establishment is deliberately sending protesters to Trump rallies to create the image that the bulk of the people are against Trump. Worse is the prospect that, even if Trump wins the Republican primaries, they will not allow him to be the Republican candidate. This is […]

The Republican Establishment is Destroying the Party of Reagan

Many emails have come in asking how in the world our computer predicted 2016 would be sheer political chaos years in advance. Our political models correlate to the economy as does war. This is not about being clairvoyant. This is about the simple facts. People demand change when their standard of living continually declines. Likewise, […]

Obama: If Apple Does Not Allow Govt. to Hack Phones Then “Everybody is Walking Around with a Swiss Bank Account”

The politicians are scared to death of Trump because he does what they fear to do: speak his mind. Politicians have to be prevaricators, hypocrites, and liars every single day. The problem becomes a major conflict when their lies are exposed when pursuing another dubious goal. Obama has slipped but, of course, the mainstream media will not […]

Freedom of Speech to be Denied by Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Well, here it comes: criminal prosecution for denying there is “climate change” all because this will be the next great tax to match Obamacare. Forget freedom of speech, that is following the 4th and 5th Amendments down the drain. We are heading into that dark, deep hole of authoritarian regimes. I have friends who fled […]

Four Elections Away from 2017: The Year from Political Hell

There has been a major political uprising in Germany. For the first time, the Green Party has beaten the establishment in Baden-Württemberg. I have been warning that Trump is not some freak show. This is a global uprising we are watching in politics as we head into  2017 – the year from political hell. We are, indeed, […]

The Threat of Change

Why Trump Haters Really Hate Trump             It’s not the hair.             Or the bad manners.             Or the “beautiful” wall he says he’ll build.             There’s a different, more subtle reason why the Republican establishment, donor class, political operatives, and the news media in general […]

The Elite & Their Undemocratic Superdelegates/Electoral College

Most people are clueless as to the legality of what they are doing when they vote. You think you are voting for a candidate, but you are actually voting for delegates to represent you. The delegates will represent you on the first vote at the convention and then they are free to vote for whoever […]

Republican Party Civil War of Self-Destruction

As we head into 2017, we are looking at the entire world coming undone at the seams. The year 2017 will be the political year from hell because the trend that is unfolding is global. The establishment Republicans are fighting for control of the party to ensure Trump does not get the nomination. Some even […]