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Eurozone Deposits Not Safe – World War III Begins

The fact that the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has come out stating that savings accounts within the Eurozone are “safe” claiming  that Cyprus was a “special case” and not a template for future rescues, proves that in fact the Eurozone deposits are ABSOLUTELY NOT SAFE! You never state a negative unless there is reason to do […]

Why Academics Remain Hopeless

I have always been a logical thinker. The teacher got very angry when I was in 4th grade and connected the dots concluding what she said was pure nonsense. Since she could not explain herself,  the school called my father. He had to come down and plead with them not to expel me. So I […]

Cyprus & Confiscation of Assets is Global Plan

The Cypriot politicians will remain in the Euro at least for now. They are listening to Brussels and are afraid of retaliation if they try to leave. We submitted a proposal to try to save Cyprus, but the powers that be are doing as they are told by the European Commission. There is little hope […]

Euro & Cyprus Crisis

The Euro has rebounded but only to retest the Weekly Bearish Reversal. The European Commission fails to understand that they have driven a stake through the heart of the Euro. It will NEVER be a reserve currency without a single debt. This crazy refusal to simply design a normal monetary system will be Europe’s undoing. […]

Goldbug Hyperbole

No matter what the news, the goldbugs find a way to constantly talk a market up detached from all reality. One reader wrote: “Now they way they’re spinning this is that the confiscation of deposits is all being done to encourage people to take their money out of banks and thus increase the velocity of […]

Cyprus & the Euro

Copyright March 26th, 2013 All Rights Reserved We are on the verge of a real crack in the Euro. So far the intraday low is 128.27 on the spot and we have a Weekly Bearish Reversal at 128.24 with a GAP down to 121.37.  As always, the political forces and academic factions are unfamiliar with […]

Understanding the Euro and the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy

Understanding the Euro And the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy                                               Copyright October 28th, 1997 By Martin A. Armstrong There appears to be great confusion among not merely the public sector officials, […]

The Rise & Fall of the Euro

Copyright August 21st, 2011 Please register for Special Updates and Please send comments and suggestions to ArmstrongEconomics.COM Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved  This Report may be forwarded as you like without charge to individuals or governments around the world. It is provided as a Public Service at this time without cost because of […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The purpose of the Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference that was filmed for a movie is not to say gee where can I put my money for 10 years and not worry about it. That does not exist. We are facing the meltdown of society as government gets more controlling than ever in history. Switzerland was […]

Cyprus ATMs

From sources in Cyprus: “They just voted on measures a little while ago which will seize portion of everyone’s savings.” Cyprus ATMs basically say up yours. To be impartial here, the politicians rushed to get the Euro through, came to us and I warned there had to be a single national debt. The response was that […]