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Euro & Its Rise with Deflation

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You have not reported on the sinking Dollar for a while. Is this just one of the phases of competitive devaluation between the majors  with the US selling  or is it China liquidating.  With the Euro in a mess, the Swiss banks cracking and the $ falling where is the sense of it all and […]

Why Switzerland Is A No Go

COMMENT: “Switzerland is caving in all over the place. I just got notified the IRS wants to look at my 2008 return because I was a partner in a company back then that had a perfectly legitimate business account at UBS back then. Statute of limitations is up on my return, so I have reason […]

War – Plagues – Earthquakes

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you also going to update your report on weather, earthquakes, and plagues? I think the last time you did that was for the 1985 Conference. I do not recall the target, but I think it was 2020 on the plagues. Is that correct? I cannot find my materials. ANSWER: We do […]

The 2013-2014 Asia Report


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Chinese Yuan Passes Euro as #2 Currency for Trade

The Chinese yuan data is now in and the October numbers from the Swift system show that the yuan, which in January 2012 held only 1.89% of trade transactions, jumped to 8.66% surpassing the Euro, which has fallen to just 6.64% of Swift transactions. In January 2012, the Euro held 7.87% of Swift transactions. These […]

Cycles of War

This is a special report that so many have been asking for as we head into this turning point in 2014. It is vital to understand this cycle and what it means for herein lies the fate of gold and the Dow Jones Industrials not to mention the Euro and European markets. This report covers […]

The Pope’s “Unfettered Capitalism” & His Complete Misunderstanding of the Economy

Pope Francis has attacked unfettered capitalism as “a new tyranny”, urging global leaders to fight poverty and growing inequality in the first major work he has authored alone as pontiff max. This 84-page document, which is known as an apostolic exhortation, sadly amounts to an official platform for his papacy. While he is liberal in his […]

The $2.3 Trillion Nobody Mentions about Quantitative Easing

QUESTION: We didn’t see Quantitative Easing stimulate the economy? Was it all the money pouring out the cracks to overseas? Thanks GH ANSWER: You have to look deeper than the headlines. Yes, it sounds like a lot of money $85 billion a month should have been inflationary in a closed system. But pick up the […]

Paper v Physical

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Almost daily one reads from the gold media about the discrepancy between paper and physical gold. The gold bugs make their case by saying, that despite the weak price of paper gold, the demand for physical gold has never been better. To me it is just a bunch of hooey. If […]

2013 – The Year of Political Change

QUESTION: What do you see for Russia and China? Are they rising as it appears even militarily in addition to economically? ANSWER: In truth, the year 2013 was the precise turning point for the USA and the exposure of the NSA has been right on target. Furthermore, the entire debt ceiling crisis has led to […]