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US Investor’s Business Daily – December 3, 1991

Investor’s Business Daily December 3, 1991 Are Taxes Poisoning Economy? Rising Levies in Weak Period Thwart Recovery by Laurie Marmor Recent sharp hikes in federal, state and local levies are creating a phantom “inflation” problem that may be obstructing monetary policy, hurting consumers and businesses and threatening the recovery’s fragile stamina. In the past, a […]

The Contest in America – Mill

THE CONTEST IN AMERICA BY JOHN STUART MILL REPRINTED FROM FRASER’S MAGAZINE The Contest in America   The cloud which for the space of a month hung gloomily over the civilized world, black with far worse evils than those of simple war, has passed from over our heads without bursting. The fear has not been […]

The Categories – Aristotle

The Categories   By Aristotle   Translated by E. M. Edghill Section 1 Part 1 Things are said to be named ‘equivocally’ when, though they have a common name, the definition corresponding with the name differs for each. Thus, a real man and a figure in a picture can both lay claim to the name […]

The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher – Aristotle

THE WORKS OF ARISTOTLE THE FAMOUS PHILOSOPHER   Containing his Complete Masterpiece and Family Physician; his Experienced Midwife, his Book of Problems and his Remarks on Physiognomy   COMPLETE EDITION, WITH ENGRAVINGS PART I—BOOK I THE MASTERPIECE On marriage and at what age young men and virgins are capable of it: and why so much […]


The Reversal System One of the most important discoveries made at Princeton concerning economic and market behavior is that the market system is a dynamic complex network of nonlinear activity possessing an incredible degree of inherent order. The seemingly random appearance of price activity is merely a mask that hides the true nature of events. […]

How to Use

How to Use the Reversal System The Reversals provide a map of precisely how far a market can move against the current trend without actually “reversing” the trend itself. This is true with all levels of Reversals generated from minor reactions to those of the major high or low. This is a very important concept […]

Hedging vs. Speculative Trading Strategies

The Reversal System—Hedging versus Speculative Trading Strategies One of the purposes of our service is to demonstrate how to develop your own trading techniques using the numbers provided on the daily and weekly reports. The recommendations provided in our reports are NOT the most aggressive strategies one can employ using the Reversals. Furthermore, the use […]

Trading a Panic

How to Trade A Panic  Martin A. Armstrong Note: This is reprinted from the April 1994 issue of the World Report. Most people believe that it is impossible to forecast the wild and crazy panic moves that any market will go through at varying intervals over the years. It appears that most people think that […]

Timing on Crude Oil

CRUDE OIL Weekly Timing Arrays for Nymex Futures (see below) suggest that the week of August 5th as a target for Directional Change and High Volatility, and the week of September 23rd for Panic. The potential for significant turning points during the weeks of August 5th and September 23rd (signalled by the vertical lines on […]

Sample Arrays

Specific Model Applications What We Said October 16th, 1987 Timing on IMM British Pound Timing on CBT US Bond Timing on S&P 500 Futures Timing on Gold & Silver Cash Index Timing on CBT US Bond Futures Timing on Crude Oil Timing on Deutsche Mark