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M.F. Global = 1st Cyprus

There has been at least one universal principle that has been fundamental up until now that the savings of ordinary people should be protected in these bank failures, up to a threshold of 100,000 euros in the European Union or 100,000 dollars in the United States. There has been also a key fundamental principle that […]

Two Years Ago this Plan to Seize Bank Accounts was Proposed

The Swiss banking regulator previously published a paper two years ago proposing that to rescue the bankers in Switzerland the solution is to also just take money from accounts. This demonstrates what I have been warning about. ANYONE who has a career in government looks upon the people as absolute economic slaves. They stand up […]

Cyprus – Germany’s Crisis

The Cyprus proposed tax on everyone to pay for the fiscal mismanagement of government and the bankers demonstrates that politicians are by no means representatives of the people. They cannot be when there are no term limits and they make politics their career. That means they are the GOVERNMENT and that means they see every […]

The Downside of Electronic Money – What is Left?

By eliminating all money government hopes to get every penny in tax. They are shutting down the global economy for Americans threatening to prosecute any foreign entity who refuses to report on what Americans are doing overseas. How can America expand into the global economy if Americans cannot operate overseas? This is part of the […]


GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT, 381 U.S. 479 (1965) 381 U.S. 479 GRISWOLD ET AL. v. CONNECTICUT. APPEAL FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. No. 496. Argued March 29-30, 1965. Decided June 7, 1965. Appellants, the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, and its medical director, a licensed physician, were convicted as […]

What Are the Odds the US Defaults?

The answer to that question is ZERO!!!!!! That does not mean there is no default. To the contrary, the way they default when still holding the scepter of power is by the swap out the old for the new currency. They simply come forward and say look, we have these new purple dollars and they […]

The Real Backdrop to Deflation

There is a backdrop to the whole deflationary mode that is not really being discussed. Household income has declined by almost 5% from the high in 2007. With the rise in payroll taxes and Obamacare, this should decline at least another 5% in 2013. Meanwhile, banks and insurance companies continue to downsize shifting back office […]

Time to Study Real Market Movement

Question: Can you clarify your statement: “German short-term rates went negative showing people were willing to pay Germany to hold their money. This is part of the whole shift in capital from PUBLIC to PRIVATE” The movement internally within Europe is is showing that capital starts to move from one currency to another as CONFIDENCE […]

Proprietary Trading Banks Will Become Extinct

The Libor Fixing Scandal of interest rates has shown precisely what I wrote about in Behind The curtain. I have personally witnessed the trading mentality of the commodities trader from the ’70s consume Wall Street when it began with the PhiBro takeover of the bond trading house Solomon Brothers – the mentor of so much […]

Gold Backwardation – The Real Story

The Gold backwardation has been distorted as all sorts of reasons for everything. Normally, this is the market condition wherein the price of a forward or futures contract is trading below the expected spot price at contract maturity. Consequently, the resulting futures or forward curve is “inverted” whereby it is negative because gold is trading […]